Teller Report

Giant pandas Xiao Qiao and Xiao Chuan start two years of "travel to Tianjin" life

5/30/2020, 3:09:12 PM

  On May 30, the first giant pandas Xiao Qiao and Xiao Chuan introduced in Tianjin Binhai New Area adapted to the new environment in the Panda Pavilion of Tianjin Yili Ecological Wizard Park. The 4-year-old male panda "Xiaochuan" and the 8-year-old female panda "Xiao Qiao" were born in Chengdu, Sichuan. On the evening of the 28th, two giant pandas arrived in Tianjin on a Sichuan Airlines plane and...

  On May 30, the first giant pandas Xiao Qiao and Xiao Chuan introduced in Tianjin Binhai New Area adapted to the new environment in the Panda Pavilion of Tianjin Yili Ecological Wizard Park. The 4-year-old male panda "Xiaochuan" and the 8-year-old female panda "Xiao Qiao" were born in Chengdu, Sichuan. On the evening of the 28th, two giant pandas arrived in Tianjin on a Sichuan Airlines plane and stayed in Yili Ecological Fairyland in Tianjin Binhai New Area. After adapting to the new environment, they will meet with the public. (Reporter Tong Yu editor Le Xiaomin)

Editor in charge: [Yu Xiao]