Teller Report

An Indian baby was buried alive .. Then he miraculously escaped death

5/30/2020, 8:09:40 AM

Residents of an Indian village saved a baby from death after he was buried alive in the town of Siddhar Tanagar, northern India. Was my

Residents of an Indian village saved a baby from death after he was buried alive in the town of Siddhar Tanagar, north India.

Some parents heard the baby's moan at first, and then noticed the baby's protrusion from the ground. They rushed to get it out of the dirt while building a house in the area where the baby was being buried.

Rescuers found that the Indian infant had swallowed a quantity of dirt, and would have almost died without his quick rescue.

He was immediately taken to the hospital, and the medical staff supervising his treatment said that he was in stable condition, but that he would remain under supervision.

The cause of the burial of the infant was not known while he was still alive, nor was it clear how long the boy had spent under the dirt.

After this horrific accident, a woman in the village adopted the baby and took care of him when he left hospital later.

For its part, the local police announced the opening of an investigation in order to find out the perpetrator who buried the infant alive in cold blood.