Teller Report

Prime Minister Chung "Daily inspection of distribution centers in online distribution companies"

5/29/2020, 3:53:55 AM

Prime Minister Jung Se-gyun said, “I will discuss the action plans for the distribution centers of online distribution companies and check them in Japan.”

Prime Minister Jung Se-gyun said, “I will discuss the action plans for the distribution centers of online distribution companies and check them in Japan.”

At the Corona 19 response meeting, Prime Minister Chung said, "I faced a serious challenge in keeping my life apart. Even my vigilance threatens the safety of citizens in the metropolitan area."

Prime Minister Chung emphasized, "In addition to the logistics center, there are many workshops where many people work in a closed space."

Prime Minister Chung has been hosting a major script meeting twice a week since the transition to life defense, but decided to hold a meeting three times a week for the time being due to a mass infection in the metropolitan area.

(Photo = Yonhap News)