Teller Report

With the end of the 100 km limit, the "liberation" of families who will be able to find themselves

5/28/2020, 10:56:34 PM

Édouard Philippe announced Thursday the end of the 100 km limit for travel by the French population. From next Tuesday, the French will therefore be able to reunite with their families, like this grandmother contacted by Europe 1 who is impatiently waiting to see her granddaughters again. & Nbsp;

Édouard Philippe announced Thursday the end of the 100 km limit for travel by the French population. From next Tuesday, the French will therefore be able to reunite with their families, like this grandmother contacted by Europe 1 who is impatiently waiting to see her granddaughters again. 

For many French people, this Tuesday, June 2 will definitely have a taste of freedom: from this date, there will no longer be any need to limit their trips to 100 km around their home. This was announced by Prime Minister Édouard Philippe during the presentation of "phase 2" of the deconfinement, Thursday afternoon. And for a grandmother contacted by Europe 1, it is even a real "liberation" looming, with the possibility of finding her grandchildren.

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"It's a space of freedom that opens up, it's a breath. Psychologically, it's important," says Isabelle, impatient to see her family after almost 80 days of travel restrictions.

"Time to catch up"

"This rule (of the 100 km) was becoming really burdensome, since I have not seen my granddaughters since Christmas", continues this grandmother, who was to see hers again "in March". "There is time to catch up, especially when they are babies. We have not seen them grow up during these last six months ... It has been difficult, we will take date and meet again all together. It was time ..."


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From May 11 so far, the ban on traveling more than 100 km outside "compelling family reasons" "has been very useful in limiting the spread of the virus" but "it no longer has any justification," said Edouard Philippe. . However, it is not yet time to resume life before: the Prime Minister also called on the French to "responsibility" in particular by delaying their trips if possible.