Teller Report

Protests against police violence degenerate - tear gas in Minneapolis

5/28/2020, 9:50:03 PM

On Minneapolis streets, protesters have clashed with riot police. This then protests against yet another rough example of police violence against African Americans.

For the second night in a row, protesters had gathered, not far from the police station in the Third District of the Minneapolis Police Force.

Weaving with placards and being scanned "I can´t breathe" (I can't breathe) - the words that George Floyd desperately hears shouting in the mobile movie showing the violent intervention that caused his death, reports the Reuters news agency. Floyd would be arrested on suspicion of using a counterfeit check.

shock Grenades

As darkness subsided, more protesters joined, many of them masked. In the end they are said to have been several thousand and the atmosphere became increasingly fierce.

Kravall-equipped police were dispatched on the streets and also posted on the roofs around. When protesters began making outings to throw rocks and glass bottles, police responded with rubber bullets, tear gas and shock grenades.

According to CBS, the state governor described the situation as "extremely dangerous" and urged people nearby to leave the area. So far it is unclear if anyone was seriously injured.

Plunder and murder

Extensive vandalization and looting broke out. Television images taken from helicopters show how dozens of individuals break into a store and come out with shopping carts full of clothes and other goods. According to Reuters, several looted businesses are also set on fire. It is unclear how many people were arrested after the night's rattles.

At the same time, according to several media, a smaller, significantly more peaceful demonstration was going on outside one of the suspect's homes in a suburb of Minneapolis.

Trump: "Justice should be ordered"

The four police officers who on Monday caused George Floyd's death have been fired. The federal police FBI has launched a preliminary investigation into the death. But that is not enough, many civil rights groups who, among other things, have demanded that they be prosecuted for murder.

US President Donald Trump is calling on the Twitter FBI to step up the pace of the investigation into the incident while praising the rest of the local government.

“My heart knows George's family and friends. Justice will be shipped, ”writes the President.