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France introduced the second phase of "unblocking" plan is expected to further relax control in June

5/28/2020, 11:30:04 PM

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) France's second phase of "unblocking" plan is expected to further relax control in June   China News Agency, Paris, May 28 (Reporter Li Yang) French official local time on May 28 launched the second phase of the plan to "unblock" and is expected to further relax control in June. Prime Minister Philippe still reminds the public to be cautious.   At the pr...

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) France's second phase of "unblocking" plan is expected to further relax control in June

  China News Agency, Paris, May 28 (Reporter Li Yang) French official local time on May 28 launched the second phase of the plan to "unblock" and is expected to further relax control in June. Prime Minister Philippe still reminds the public to be cautious.

  At the press conference that day, Philip first summarized the situation of the prevention and control of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic in France since the “unblocking” was initiated on May 11. He said that these days the epidemic prevention has made good progress and is better than the government's expectations.

  The official French epidemic map released that day showed that on May 11th, five major regions including the capital Paris including the Greater Paris area were listed as the "red zone" with severe epidemics. By the 28th, only the Vale in the Greater Paris region De Vaz and the overseas province of Mayotte are still classified as "red zones", and the rest of France has become a "green zone" for the relief of the epidemic.

  According to another epidemic map, the areas that need to be alert to changes in the epidemic during the second phase of "unblocking" are listed as "orange zones", which include the entire Greater Paris area, Mayotte and French Guiana.

  Philip said that the time span of the second phase of "unblocking" will be from June 2nd to 21st. If the epidemic continues to be controlled during this period, it will enter the third phase of "unblocking" after June 22 and continue to relax restrictions.

  After France ’s “unblocking” entered the second phase on June 2, the rule that people travel within 100 kilometers of their residence will be cancelled. But Philip emphasized that the measure is effective in limiting the spread of the virus, and he called on the public to still delay or cancel long-distance travel as much as possible.

  According to the relevant plan, French restaurants, cafes and bars can resume business from June 2nd, but strict sanitation and epidemic prevention regulations should be adopted: each table can only seat a maximum of 10 people, each table is separated by one meter, customers enter and exit Masks must be worn, and staff must always wear masks. In addition, restaurants, cafes and bars in the "Orange District" can only open outdoor areas to customers.

  In terms of public activities, museums, gymnasiums, theaters and other public places in the "Green Zone" can be opened from June 2nd, and the above-mentioned places in the "Orange Zone" may be extended to June 22nd. All-French game halls, racetracks and other venues are still closed. Primary and secondary schools will speed up the return to school from June 2nd, and will continue to carry out according to different grades.

  Philip said that the StopCovid mobile phone software designed to track the new crown virus will be put into use soon. He called on the public to download and use the software to know if there is a new crown virus infection around him.

  Philip reminded the public to be cautious because the virus still exists and continues to spread. The gathering of more than 10 people in the second phase of "unblocking" is still forbidden; the official recommendation is to continue working remotely; the elderly and frail people should continue to pay attention to strengthening prevention.

  In France, 28,662 cases of new coronary pneumonia died on the 28th, and severe cases dropped to 1,429; there were 3,325 newly diagnosed cases on the 28th. The official explanation for the significant increase was caused by new statistical methods. (Finish)

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