Teller Report

Duterte announces transition to "general community isolation" on June 1 in Manila

5/28/2020, 10:01:21 PM

The first day of Manila's "moderate unblocking" on May 16, 2020. One Chinese restaurant in Makati, CBD, is open for take-out. People wear masks, maintain social distance and other meals. Guan Xiangdong (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Duterte announced the transition to "general community isolation" on June 1 in Manila and other places   China News Agency, Manila, May 28 (Reporter Guan ...

The first day of Manila's "moderate unblocking" on May 16, 2020. One Chinese restaurant in Makati, CBD, is open for take-out. People wear masks, maintain social distance and other meals. Guan Xiangdong

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Duterte announced the transition to "general community isolation" on June 1 in Manila and other places

  China News Agency, Manila, May 28 (Reporter Guan Xiangdong) Philippine President Duterte delivered a televised speech on the evening of 28th, based on the recommendations of the Inter-Agency Working Group on the Administration of Infectious Diseases in the Philippines

The first day of Manila's "moderate unblocking" on May 16, 2020. A chain of pharmacies in Makati, CBD, uses an insulated plastic curtain as a partition above the counter, and customers line up for payment at a social distance. Guan Xiangdong

  Approved the transition from "improved and strengthened community isolation (MECQ)" to "general community isolation (GCQ)" on June 1 in the Philippine capital Manila, Davao, Cebu, etc., requiring public places under the "new normal" Must respect social distance and wear masks.

On the first day of Manila ’s “moderate unblocking” on May 16, 2020, pedestrians wearing masks crossed the intersection. Guan Xiangdong

  Since the first local case was discovered in early March, the Philippine government has increased the isolation level or extended the isolation time several times in March and April, while increasing testing and improving treatment capacity to cope with the new crown epidemic. There have been new cases and deaths. The trend of "flattening" the curve. In the capital Manila region, Neihu province and Cebu City, from May 16 to 31, the "improved and strengthened community isolation (MECQ)" was implemented. For the first time, some industries were allowed to resume work for a limited time; the school remained closed.

On the first day of Manila's "moderate unblocking" on May 16, 2020, the famous shopping mall SM is located inside the Makati store in the CBD. Guan Xiangdong

  After more than 70 days of continuous implementation of segregation measures at all levels, the capital Manila region has experienced a continuous economic downturn and a difficult life. The mayors of the Manila region held a joint meeting a few days ago. In order to revitalize the economy, protect employment, and protect people's livelihood, they decided to promote the implementation of GCQ, and IATF-EID made recommendations to the president and was finally approved.

On the first day of Manila's "moderate unblocking" on May 16, 2020, the CBD Makati store was on the street, and the number of motorcycles increased significantly. Guan Xiangdong

  According to GCQ, the above-mentioned regional enterprises will reopen, and a certain percentage of workers will return to work. Movie theaters, gyms, gyms and other leisure places and travel agencies must be closed; public transportation roads, railways, maritime and aviation departments are allowed to operate with lower capacity on the premise of ensuring social distance; movie screenings, concerts, sports events And other entertainment activities, community gatherings and non-essential work gatherings are still prohibited; the number of religious gatherings is limited to 10 people; outdoor non-human contact sports are allowed, participants must wear masks, maintain social distance, and do not share equipment.

On the first day of Manila's "moderate unblocking" on May 16, 2020, the famous shopping mall SM is located in the Makati store in the CBD. Guan Xiangdong

  On the 28th, the Philippines Ministry of Health notified 539 newly confirmed cases, the largest single-day increase since the outbreak of the Philippines. As of that day, the Philippines had confirmed 15,588 cases of new coronary pneumonia, with 921 deaths and 3598 recovery. (Finish)

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