Teller Report

Dl School. Stop the grades, the grade returns to grade

5/28/2020, 7:43:47 PM

"The judgment takes into account the specificity and individuality of each individual child, while the numerical vote levels and makes everyone equal, even if there are different reasons behind that vote" explains Senator Vanna Iori

  • School, agreement reached on the precarious competition: written test after the summer
  • School, on the precarious we are looking for solutions without tests in presence
  • School, Azzolina: "The government will accompany a safe return"
  • School, green light to the hiring of 4,500 precarious teachers


May 27, 2020 The final assessment of pupils in elementary school will no longer be expressed with numerical marks but with a judgment. This is foreseen by a Dem amendment approved by the Culture and Education Commission. "The amendment foresees that in primary school children cannot be considered numbers. Giving a 4 can be a heavy boulder to understand while a more comprehensive evaluation takes into consideration the characteristics of the child. Obviously the appropriate words and evaluation must be found it must be done in terms of synthetic judgment ", explains the senator of the Democratic Party Vanna Iori. "The judgment takes into account the specificity and individuality of each individual child - he adds - while the numerical vote levels and makes everyone equal, even if there are different reasons behind that vote". 

Meanwhile, in the majority on the changes to the Decree on school, with an amendment by the rapporteur, who will be put to the vote in the Senate Commission, which summarizes the agreement on the extraordinary competition for temporary workers. "After intense work in the Education Committee, we have translated into an amendment the agreement on the competition for school temporary workers reached between the majority forces with the mediation of President Conte". This was announced in a note by the group leader of the 5-star movement in the Senate Education Commission, Bianca Laura Granato.

M5s: Agreement reached on competitions, commitment maintained 
"We have guaranteed one point above all, fundamental for the 5-star Movement: the selection of teaching staff with three years of service will take place through a competition that involves passing a regular written test following the which eligible teachers will be included in a merit ranking from which recruitment will take place thanks to the enhancement of cultural and service qualifications, "he explains.

"The tests will be held after the summer, with consequent entry of the first winners as of September 1, 2021. For the next school year, 2020/21, teachers will therefore be hired on a fixed-term contract based on the rankings provincials that will be reopened and updated at the same time as the amendment approved yesterday in the commission ", continues Granato. "The winners of the competition hired in September 2021 will be guaranteed the legal backdating of the appointment in September 2020. We are talking about more than 16,000 teachers who will be regularly hired indefinitely after a real competition test suitable to guarantee their merit. It is the best result that could be achieved given the contingent situations and we can safely say that if it had not been for the attention to the quality of the 5-star Movement school, none of this would have happened, and in all probability we would have witnessed yet another amnesty in spite of the student rights and the Constitution, "he notes.

"We worked day and night to overcome the obstacles posed by those who have a vision of the school as a bundle of partisan interests, but we are satisfied. We owed it to the teachers and to all those who believe in the school as a place of appreciation of merit, ability and commitment. of students and teachers. A special thanks goes to Minister Lucia Azzolina for her perseverance even in the face of the multiple pressures of these weeks, to which insults and even threats have been added. It was not easy, but the preeminent interest of the community is has been preserved. So let's go ahead with our heads held high. The next step will be in plenary to conclude the process in the Senate and proceed to the definitive conversion into law of the decree with the passage to the Chamber ", he concludes.

Ascani: For primary and secondary children of first degree, teaching will have to be 100% in attendance
On September "the intermediate report of the Bianchi commission is coming out and in that report it is clear that for primary school children and for secondary school children at first instance the teaching will have to be 100% in attendance, therefore we will have to multiply the spaces, increase the workforce, not by double but by a good percentage ". So the Deputy Minister for Education Anna Ascani speaking in Agorà. "The solution is not that of shifts that would lead to problems for families but to expand teaching activities. Distance education is good for buffering the emergency but cannot replace school", he concludes.