Teller Report

"The regime of self-preservation will last a long time": Sobyanin allowed restrictions in Moscow before the advent of the vaccine

5/28/2020, 6:51:44 PM

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin admitted that restrictive measures introduced because of coronavirus could remain in the capital until the vaccine appears. He noted that the worst scenario for the development of the situation with COVID-19 has passed. At the same time, the mayor emphasized that the authorities of the capital publish all data on deaths from coronavirus. “We didn’t hide, so we don’t intend to hide anything,” he said.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin admitted that restrictive measures introduced because of coronavirus could remain in the capital until the vaccine appears. He stated this in an interview with Russia-24.

Sobyanin recalled that, despite the decrease in the number of cases, about two thousand new cases of COVID-19 are recorded daily in Moscow.

“The regime of self-preservation, sanitary restrictions, it will last a long time until we get the vaccine. Despite a decrease in hospitalization, it still amounts to hundreds of people, it’s not just hundreds of sick people, but seriously ill people, ”he said.

Open statistics

The mayor also explained that statistics on mortality from coronavirus infection in May will be greater due to the accumulated volume of seriously ill patients for which doctors are fighting. He noted that it is extremely important to establish the causes of each death, as well as the relationship of COVID-19 with chronic diseases in order to be able to save the sick in the future.

Speaking about the number of deaths associated with the disease, the mayor recalled that all these figures are open, and also indicated that it is impossible to hide the data from the Moscow and Rosstat governments.

“It is impossible to somehow eradicate or say that less has died and so on. This is complete absurdity, we ourselves publish ahead of everyone, ahead of the engine - how many died this month. And anyone can compare with 2019, with 2018, ”he said.

“We didn’t hide, so we don’t intend to hide anything,” added Sobyanin. “I have already said that [the data] is not only consistent with [reality], they are even tougher, because we add to the main cause of death both the reasons that provoked the death and the accompanying COVID.”

  • Sobyanin allowed restrictions to remain in Moscow until the advent of the vaccine

The mayor emphasized that the mortality rate from coronavirus in Moscow is several times less than in other cities and countries: “As for the percentage of mortality, in Moscow, do not count, they are still many times less than in other cities and countries that have experienced such the tragedy. "

At the same time, the worst scenario for the development of the situation with coronavirus has passed, the mayor said. He expressed the opinion that the capital “was somewhere on the edge”, but this period passed thanks to the joint efforts of the Russian authorities, medical workers and Muscovites, who responsibly reacted to the situation.

The second phase of mitigation

In addition, Sobyanin gave clarifications on the second stage of mitigation of restrictive measures, which will begin to operate on June 1.

In particular, he drew attention to the fact that citizens can play sports on the street, but after 9:00 they should do it according to the schedule of their houses.

“This is a plus, you can go in for sports from morning till night, but since we made a house-to-house schedule that every house can go out every three days, accordingly, it can go in for sports once every three days. And until 9 in the morning as much as you like, every day, we are talking about this. This is a kind of preference for those who want to work out, run, take a walk, this is just the clock when the city is still free, ”the mayor explained.

In addition, he indicated that it was too early to open fitness centers and hairdressers in the capital, as this could lead to a rollback of the incidence of the disease.

Assistance to the regions

Commenting on the dispatch of Moscow doctors to provide assistance to the regions, Sobyanin explained that the capital has created powerful reserves to combat COVID-19, and providing assistance to other areas will not affect the safety of Muscovites. He specified that the supplies of medicines, personal protective equipment and mechanical ventilation in Moscow hospitals are designed for a much tougher situation than the current one, and the experience of the capital's doctors who took the first blow of the pandemic will be useful in the regions.

“The reserves that are needed to combat covidas were created in Moscow by the most powerful, the allocation of several brigades and a small number of medicines, personal protective equipment, and so on to other regions in no way violate security, health in Moscow cannot, but it will be enough to help those regions,” he said he.

At the same time, multifunctional centers created to combat coronavirus will be frozen in the event of a second wave.