Teller Report

Putin congratulated Muslims of Russia on the holiday of Uraza Bairam

5/24/2020, 7:30:37 AM

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Muslims on the occasion of Uraza Bairam, noting their special contribution to the international world.

The congratulation text is published on the Kremlin website.

“The Muslim community of Russia actively participates in the life of the country, makes an invaluable contribution to maintaining international peace and civil harmony in society, strengthening the institution of the family, and educating young people,” Putin emphasized.

The Russian leader noted the special veneration by Muslims in Russia of the historical, cultural and religious traditions of their ancestors.

According to the head of state, in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection, the humanitarian and charitable mission of the Muslim clergy acquires special relevance and serves to preserve the life and health of citizens.

Putin previously asked Muslims to celebrate Uraza Bairam at home this year. 

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