Teller Report

Journalist murder Bereaved family "forgive the murderer" Saudi Arabia

5/22/2020, 10:58:04 PM

[NHK] The son of journalist Jamal Kashogi, who was killed at the Saudi Consulate General in Turkey, said, “Forgive those who killed ...

Journalist killing Bereaved family "forgive the killers" Saudi Arabia May 23 7:49

At the Saudi Consulate General in Turkey, the son of the murdered journalist Jamal Khashogi posted a statement on Twitter saying "forgive the murderers." Five people have been sentenced to death in this case, but local media reports that local customs may allow the bereaved family to escape the death penalty.

In October, a local court ruled in October last year against five officials that they were directly involved in the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashogi in the Saudi Consulate General in Turkey in October. I handed down the death sentence.

Meanwhile, one of his sons, who represents Kashogi's bereaved family, posted on his Twitter statement that he "decided to forgive those who were killed as bereaved families."

The local fasting month of Ramadan `` Ramadan '' is about to end soon, and Twitter says that it was the opportunity to re-recognize the teaching of the Islamic holy book Quran that forgiveness is important rather than retribution. ..

Local media reported that local customs could avoid the death penalty if the forgiveness of the bereaved family was allowed.

Kashogi's fiance "No one has the right to forgive the murderer."

In response to posts by these bereaved families, Khashoghi's fiancé Hatige Jengiz said on Twitter that no one has the right to forgive the murderer. No. We will not stop until justice is achieved. ”He urged the defendant to be severely punished, and showed his determination to continue to seek the truth of the case.