Teller Report

Health records 56 deaths and 446 new infections in Spain in the last 24 hours

5/22/2020, 4:22:10 PM

56 people have died from the coronavirus throughout Spain in the last 24 hours. In the update released Thursday, the figure stood at 48 but did not include the data

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56 people have died from the coronavirus throughout Spain in the last 24 hours . In the update released on Thursday, the figure stood at 48 but did not include the data for Catalonia (which does account for 3 deaths this Friday) because, as Fernando Simón admitted, there were doubts about its validation. In his appearance this Friday, Simon has again admitted that they present "inconsistencies".

The total number of deaths since the pandemic began is 28,628 people. The director of the Center for Alerts and Emergencies has stated that "we continue to maintain a figure that is evolving very correctly". In the last 24 hours there have been 123 hospitalizations and 20 ICU admissions.

The figures published by Health this Friday also confirm 446 new infections confirmed with PCR testing compared to 344 on Thursday, although, as in the case of deaths, the number from the previous day did not include those that had occurred in Catalonia. With the increase of this Friday, the global number of those affected by Covid-19 reaches 234,824.

Fernando Simón has highlighted that, if a comparison is made between fortnights, the incidence of the pandemic in Spain continues to drop by more than 50%. He also pointed out that until now there have been no setbacks in the fight against the pandemic, although in recent days there have been isolated cases of outbreak that have been stopped and have not had a global impact. From his point of view, this evolution would allow the new normality to be reached soon.

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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