Teller Report

The coalition objects to the "ballistic" Houthi in the sky of Marib

5/21/2020, 10:40:15 PM

The Houthi militia targeted the Ma'rib Governorate with a ballistic missile that was dropped, while its violations of the ceasefire increased to 3,860 violations, after 102 violations were recorded yesterday, as battles continued in the fronts of the collar of Sana'a, Marib, Al-Jawf and Al-Bayda. In detail, the air defenses of the Alliance intercepted

The Houthi militia targeted the Ma'rib Governorate with a ballistic missile that was dropped, while its violations of the ceasefire increased to 3,860 violations, after 102 violations were recorded yesterday, as battles continued in the fronts of the cities of Sana'a, Marib, Al-Jawf and Al-Bayda.

In detail, the air defenses of the Arab Alliance intercepted a ballistic missile launched by the Houthi militia yesterday towards the city of Marib, and it was detonated in the air before reaching its target. Local sources said that the air defenses of the coalition intercepted the missile from a distance close to the skies of the third military area, and the explosion caused a loud boom that shook the city, and that the shrapnel of the missile fell near the field hospital of the Medical Care Department, adjacent to the third military zone, and caused no damage.

The fronts in western Ma'rib and northeast of the capital, Sanaa, witnessed violent battles between the army and tribes on the one hand, and the Houthi militia on the other, leaving dozens dead and wounded among the Houthis, including prominent field leaders.

Field sources mentioned the death of the Houthi leader, Ali Hussein Qatran, and the Houthi leader, Abdallah Ilah Yahya Al-Ahnoumi, during the battles in the Najd al-Ataq front between Sana'a and Marib, which witnessed a mass flight of the Houthi elements, prompting their leaders to issue a religious fatwa prohibiting flight and authorizing the killing of those who submit to it.

On the Maysara Sarwah front, the army and tribes forces were able to repel an attack by the militias on their positions, and suffered heavy losses, according to field sources, noting that the ongoing hit-and-run battles on the western Marib fronts.

This comes at a time when the Arab Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen announced yesterday that it recorded 102 violations of the ceasefire by the Houthi militia, indicating that the number of violations rose to 3,860 violations since the truce was announced on the eighth of last April.

The coalition noted that the breaches included hostilities, the use of light and heavy weapons and ballistic missiles, stressing the application of the utmost restraint by the rules of engagement with the right of legitimate response to cases of self-defense on the fronts, while continuing to adhere to the ceasefire and support the efforts of the Special Envoy to Yemen.

In Al-Jawf, more than 15 militia members were killed in raids of coalition fighters, targeting Houthi reinforcements and mechanisms east of the city of Al-Hazm and the front of Bir al-Maraziq, north of the governorate, according to field sources, confirming the death of the Houthi leader Ali Ahmed Al Qasimi, and a number of his companions in those raids.

Local sources in Al-Jouf confirmed that the militias killed three prisoners of Al-Jawf, and dumped their bodies in the desert of the province, after three months of their families in the battles of Al-Hazm city.

In Al-Bayda, the army and local resistance forces in the Qanat al-Wahbah front foiled a militia warp operation on the locations of the 159 infantry brigade, killing and injuring them and capturing 15 Houthis.

Field sources confirmed the death of Houthi leader Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed, along with a number of his companions, with a coalition air raid, targeting Houthi reinforcements that were en route to the Qaniya front.

In Al-Dhale'e, the coalition fighters destroyed, the night before last, the gatherings and locations of the Houthi militias in the Al-Hasha district, northwest of the governorate, and were able to destroy Houthi military vehicles stationed in the Habil Yahya sector, northwest of the Al-Hasha district.

In Hodeidah, Houthi militias continued their violations of the armistice and yesterday, yesterday, bombed the sites of the joint forces and residential areas in the districts of Hayes, Al-Duraimi and Al-Tahita, according to field sources, noting that the militias renewed the bombing of the Beit al-Maghari area west of the city of Hays with various types of weapons. It also indiscriminately shelled a number of residential villages and farms in the Al-Duraimi district, using heavy and medium weapons, leaving panic and panic among civilians, as well as several areas in the district of Al-Tahita, south of Hodeidah, rained hysterically with 120 caliber heavy mortars, in a hysterical manner, in addition to their use of machine guns.

In Ibb, central Yemen, the Houthi militia imprisoned 20 merchants in Ibb, to force them to pay large financial levies, after they refused to pay, and preferred the imprisonment to continue the blackmailing of the militias with different pretexts and excuses.

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