Teller Report

Director of the European Center for Disease Control: Europe still needs to be alert to the risks of the second wave of outbreaks

5/21/2020, 11:37:44 PM

  China News Service, May 22, according to Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po, many European countries have successively eased the closure of cities. However, Andrea Ammon, director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), said that Europe is still facing a second wave of epidemics at any time The key to the risks is only when and how large, and it warns countries to prepare for long-...

  China News Service, May 22, according to Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po, many European countries have successively eased the closure of cities. However, Andrea Ammon, director of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), said that Europe is still facing a second wave of epidemics at any time The key to the risks is only when and how large, and it warns countries to prepare for long-term anti-epidemic.

On May 18th local time, a large number of customers came to do nail care in a hair salon in Rome, Italy.

  The ECDC published a report on May 2 stating that, apart from Poland, Europe as a whole has passed the peak period of virus transmission, but An Meng pointed out that the current population immunization rate of European countries is only 2% to 14%, meaning that there are still 85% to 90% of the population has no antibodies.

  As the epidemic slows down, An Meng is particularly worried that the public ’s vigilance will relax. “When the number of infections drops significantly, people will think that the epidemic is over, but this is not the case.” She emphasized that even if it is gradually unblocked, the public should still be strict Observe the protective measures. If it can be maintained for a long time, the second outbreak is not inevitable.

  Recalling the outbreak of the outbreak, ECDC warned European countries on January 26, but An Meng believes that governments of all countries have underestimated the spread of the virus and even lacked preparation. By early March, there was a collective infection in the Alps ski resort, which eventually spread the epidemic to all of Europe. Examining past lessons, An Meng reminded countries that the virus will not disappear in a short period of time and must be vigilant at all times to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

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