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Deng Jingcheng: Establishing and perfecting a Hong Kong-related security system at the national level helps "One Country, Two Systems" to achieve stability

5/21/2020, 11:37:33 PM

  (Express Delivery of the Two Sessions) Deng Jingcheng: Establishing and Improving the Security System Concerning Hong Kong at the National Level, Helping "One Country, Two Systems" Stability   China News Agency, Beijing, May 21 (Reporter Chen Xiaoyuan) Deng Jingcheng, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and former director of the Hong Kong Police Force, said in an interview with a reporter...

  (Express Delivery of the Two Sessions) Deng Jingcheng: Establishing and Improving the Security System Concerning Hong Kong at the National Level, Helping "One Country, Two Systems" Stability

  China News Agency, Beijing, May 21 (Reporter Chen Xiaoyuan) Deng Jingcheng, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and former director of the Hong Kong Police Force, said in an interview with a reporter from the China News Agency in Beijing on the 21st that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region should be established and maintained at the national level to maintain the country. A safe legal system and enforcement mechanism will help the "one country, two systems" move forward.

  Zhang Yesui, the spokesperson for the press conference of the Third Session of the 13th National People's Congress, introduced that night, this conference will review the "Decision of the National People's Congress on Establishing and Perfecting the Legal System and Enforcement Mechanism for the Maintenance of National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Draft).

  Deng Jingcheng pointed out that in the more than 20 years since the return of Hong Kong, "occupation of Central", the riots in Mong Kok and the turmoil of amendments have been exposed, which have exposed loopholes in the maintenance of national security and have also impacted Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

  He said that the storms that have occurred since June last year have even appeared to advocate "Hong Kong independence", burn the national flag, raise foreign flags on the streets of Hong Kong, and openly expressed the hope that foreign interference in Hong Kong affairs will seriously challenge the "one country, two systems" bottom line. All of this shows that it is urgent for Hong Kong to establish and improve the national security legal system and enforcement mechanism.

  Deng Jingcheng pointed out that the Hong Kong Basic Law stipulates the SAR ’s obligation to enact legislation to safeguard national security. However, in view of the current situation, it is difficult for Hong Kong to complete relevant legislative work on its own in the short term. Therefore, it is necessary to establish and improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to maintain national security at the national level.

  "We don't want Hong Kong to be the weakest link in national security." Deng Jingcheng said that without national security, there would be no long-term prosperity and stability for Hong Kong. It is hoped that after establishing and improving relevant legal systems and enforcement mechanisms at the national level, Hong Kong can get out of the current predicament as soon as possible. (Finish)

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