Teller Report

Bonomi: "World is changing even unions can change"

5/21/2020, 9:10:04 PM

Confindustria affirms: "On the productivity business contracts prevail on the national ones." No to the state ATM, hitting the 'unknown' to the taxman " 

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by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 21 May 2020 Contractual and union relations must be changed and unions should accept a confrontation to define new rules. This was stated by the new president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi, in an interview with Porta a Porta on Rai 1. The owner of Viale dell'Astronomia talks about renewal tables listing his priorities: "The premise from which we must start is that the world is changing. We all change and I think trade unions can sit down and think about starting to change. We need to talk about productivity, because this country has a productivity problem.for 25 years and in the renewal of contracts I think it is the first topic to be addressed. "" The second point - explained Number One of the industrialists is economic sustainability, because if we were to go to renew contracts as they are we would renew by taking money away from workers, as inflation is negative: it seems madness to me. Third, the pacts must be maintained and I am willing to sign pacts with those who maintain them . "For Bonomi, therefore, company agreements should prevail over national contracts, explaining how the model to which it looks sees greater importance" at company level on the national level ".

Cig, simplify rules and other resources will be needed
"I fear" that the Government will have to put more money on the Redundancy Fund "and will have to simplify the procedure" continued the president of Confindustria at 'Porta a Porta'. "It is not possible," he added, "that the layoff should arrive 3 months after the application. In this period the companies are anticipating it, which are also in difficulty ". 

Unlocking works, well Conte but follow facts
Confindustria positively judges the words of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on a measure to unlock the realization of strategic infrastructure works and expects that now "the facts come." "We hope that the words will follow the facts - Bonom underlined - because in the last 10 years we have witnessed 72 talks on the issue of unblocking the infrastructure, but unfortunately nothing has happened. We hope that the Genoa model will be replicated and it will work: if you can build a bridge in 18 months in Genoa, you can do it all over Italy ". We know - added Bonomi that there is a very strong discussion going on. We assist hoping that go in the right direction for the country ".

With Recovery Fund go to a large public investment plan 
"The funds of the Recovery Fund should be used in a large public investment plan. I understand that in this difficult moment we had to make emergency interventions and income support, buffer interventions, but these resources are burned quickly. So we believe that these 100 billion must all be put into a large public investment plan to which a large private investment plan must be added. Public and private must reason together because only in this way will we create growth and development capable of repaying the Italian public debt which remains one of the great Italian issues which still makes us very fragile on the markets ".

Yes to guaranteed loan to FCA but money comes from the supply chain. Very careful control by the government
The loan guaranteed by the state for Fiat Chrysler is acceptable if the government sets stringent conditions for the 6.3 billion to reach the Italian factories of FCA and the companies in the supply chain, he later said Carlo Bonomi, according to which: "The loan would be disbursed to the part of FCA companies that have a permanent establishment in Italy. Being above the 1.5 billion threshold, it is up to the Government to decide how to disburse the loan". “The loan - underlined Bonomi in the interview with Porta a Porta - is disbursed according to the supply chain and I would expect that in the conditions that the Government places there will be a very careful control that this money reaches the supply chain. Tell me where you invest this money and what are the productive investments in favor of Italian production plants and companies in the supply chain ".

Fight against tax evasion without if and without but. No to the state ATM, hitting the 'strangers' at the tax office
Confindustria will support the fight against tax evasion "without if and without but" assured Bonomi, if only for a matter of fairness and ethics in how to do business. There is no margin of understanding on this. "" We have to fight - he added - but this does not mean going to recover the tax base of the usual suspects, because that means being a state ATM. I would also like a strong battle over those who are unknown to the tax authorities and those who do not want to hit. " 

PA debts, decree provides for payments of 12 billion, we hope to arrive
. Companies await the payment of PA debts towards them promised by the Government." Currently in the text of the decree there are 12 billion we hope will reach the companies "observes the president of Confindustria Carlo Bonomi recalling that the process involves a comparison of local authorities with the Cdp. The president of Confindustria acknowledges the Minister of Development Stefano Patuanelli of having sought "to better resolve" the issue of PA debts. "Hopefully the money will then go to the companies" reiterates Bonomi.