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Al-Marri: Dubai Police seizes 58 tons of drugs in the "sterilization operation"

5/21/2020, 8:58:04 PM

The Dubai Government media office, in cooperation with Dubai TV, organized a remote press conference via visual communication technology, during which the Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, Lieutenant General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri and the Director General of the Dubai Health Authority, Humaid Mohammed Al Qatami, answered questions from a group of chief editors of newspapers.

The Dubai Government media office, in cooperation with Dubai TV, organized a remote press conference via visual communication technology, during which the Commander in Chief of Dubai Police, Lieutenant General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri and Director General of the Dubai Health Authority, Humaid Mohamed Al Qatami, answered questions from a group of editors of local newspapers and UAE media representatives And in Arabic, on the latest developments in the Emirate of Dubai with regard to the emerging corona virus (Covid-19) and the efforts made by all concerned authorities in Dubai to limit its spread.

Al-Marri revealed during the conference that Dubai Police seized 58 tons of drugs in a pre-emptive operation, which it called "the sterilization process."
The meeting was broadcast live on "Sama Dubai" channel, and moderated by the journalist Mohamed Salem.

The Commander in Chief of Dubai Police touched on many important issues related to the new preventive measures taken in light of the continued repercussions of the Covid-19 virus in the country, and the violations that are decided to be taken in this regard, especially the procedures related to the Eid Al-Fitr period, and also addressed the high number of transactions and electronic services during The period of national sterilization and the response of the departments affiliated to the General Command for Services due to the technological infrastructure that characterizes Dubai Police.

He said: We have in Dubai a strong infrastructure of smart systems and applications that allowed the work teams to provide the required services with complete flexibility, indicating that the General Command has many applications and electronic systems that meet the needs of customers, as it has accomplished through the Dubai Police website more than 162 thousand transactions during The first three months of this year, and more than 63 thousand transactions through the Dubai Police application.

In a question to the journalist Mohammed Salem from Dubai TV about the leading smart services that Dubai is adopting in various fields, including in the health sector, and the ability of these services to mitigate this sector under the current circumstances, the Director General of Dubai Health Authority replied, saying: «There is no doubt that smart applications She has contributed greatly to the development of services in Dubai and the Emirates in general, and we use many applications that have contributed to the development of medical services and help in providing health services to citizens and residents.

He added: “We have a doctor’s initiative for every citizen (the virtual doctor) application, which is one of the interactive smart services available throughout the week for a period of 24 hours, and the (my drug) application through which the medicine is provided and delivered to homes to some groups who cannot reach hospitals. We also have a range of other applications, including the (Shirian) application that connects the private, governmental and private sectors dedicated to registering establishments, doctors, professionals, and other applications that have facilitated society members and enabled the authority to provide its health services, most notably the appointment reservation service for medical centers and hospitals in Dubai Which greatly reduced people's waiting for health services. ”

In a question to the editor of the newspaper, “Emirates Today”, the media Sami Al-Riyami, to the team Abdullah Al-Murri about the percentage of society’s commitment to the procedures of the national sterilization program, as the indicators were high before entering the holy month of Ramadan, and did the past days witness a decline in the level of commitment, and consequently new measures were taken In order to avoid going to the worst, His Excellency clarified that the General Command highly appreciates the commitment of the Dubai community of citizens and residents to the preventive measures issued by the official authorities and they are at a high level of social responsibility, pointing out that the existing violations are linked to the lack of commitment of some of the Categories of preventive measures during the partial opening period, and therefore it was necessary to emphasize violations on non-compliant groups. He pointed out that some of the strict measures came in accordance with the plans prepared for the national sterilization program that goes through several stages, and the general leadership of Dubai Police always aspires to achieve advanced results at the level of trapping the consequences of the virus and educating the public about the precautionary and preventive measures taken by the state in order to combat Covid 19.

In response to the question of the responsible editor-in-chief of the media newspaper, Al-Bayan, Mona Abu Samra, about the increase in the rate of new infections with the virus, and whether this raises the concerns of health authorities, or is this rate normal compared to the percentage of tests that are being conducted, Maali Al-Qatami said: “There is no doubt that the numbers It has indications and indicators, the rates of injury and recovery, and the category of individuals that are able to enter hospitals, or enter health isolation are stable and the topic is being studied continuously, and we found during the last period that the indicators of health reality are stable, and appropriate for the numbers that enter hospitals, which indicates the readiness of the health sector, including Y Meh from government and private hospitals, and the possibilities of quarantine and isolation at a high level, and that the percentages recorded are below global averages ratios.

Al-Qatami added: The number of infections in Dubai is normal as long as there are continuous checks, which is part of the state’s policy that adopts the expansion in the work of examinations and surveys permanently, especially in areas that may witness a relatively high prevalence of the virus, and as long as there are continuous surveys, we are moving in the preventive direction properly and therefore These cases are stable cases and have no effect on the health sector, in addition to the fact that the rates of recovery are constantly increasing, so reading the health reality indicates that we are heading in a good direction and in the coming period we expect that these rates will go for the better.

In his question to the Commander in Chief of Dubai Police, Executive Editor of the Gulf newspaper Raed Barqawi focused on the method of monitoring violations if they are restricted to police elements deployed on bicycles, cycling teams and vehicles, or that the General Command also uses the cameras deployed in the emirate to enhance procedures and monitor violators, where His Excellency stressed that The General Command has approximately 55 patrols deployed in the Emirate of Dubai and more than 63 checkpoints stationed at the entrances to the emirate working to ensure that all members of the community apply precautionary measures, stressing that the Dubai Police also uses assistive technologies and resources Whether through monitoring programs or radars and cameras deployed in the emirate to measure the extent of the public's commitment to various procedures and their application.

In his question to the Director-General of the Dubai Health Authority in general, Al-Ittihad newspaper editor Hamad Al-Kaabi inquired about the conditions of people living with the virus in general, and the percentage of serious infections that are subject to intensive care, and said that the injuries that are recorded are not dangerous, and what requires hospitalization and intensive care requires less From international rates, most injuries are mild and do not show symptoms requiring medical attention in the hospital, and that there is a follow-up of isolation procedures and ongoing checks to follow up on injuries, and according to the study of indicators of the past weeks with the specialized medical sector we find that the existing cases are stable cases and D to God, and the recovery rates entered into good rates, and we began to record positive and reassuring figures.


In a question to the media assistant, Al-Zayani, from Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, about the awareness initiatives launched by the Dubai Police General Command in addition to its tasks to ensure the implementation of the national sterilization program, and the targeted areas of these initiatives, General Abdullah Khalifa Al-Marri replied, saying: We have many initiatives that support institutions and agencies affiliated with the government Dubai, including the “appointed” initiative of the first line of defense, and the “everyone is responsible for everyone” initiative, in addition to other initiatives organized by the Dubai Police in cooperation with its affiliated councils, whether the “Youth Council” or “Happiness Council”, with the aim of being in the hospitals of the Emirate of Dubai and supporting For medical staff working during this exceptional period, in addition to some initiatives concerned with distributing breakfast in residential and labor areas in the emirate.

He added that the General Command launched last Monday the “Share with Bicycle Teams” initiative aimed at opening the way for those wishing to volunteer in the police bicycle teams, pointing out that the initiative received over 5,300 requests for volunteering from 21 nationalities in specialized bicycle teams To the police, with the aim of enabling community members to participate in the framework of social responsibility, His Excellency pointed out that the volunteers role in the initiative is to spread awareness about the precautionary and preventive measures against the Corona virus, in the areas of “GBR”, “Lamir” and “City Walk” Al-Khawaneej, and regions A. Others are determined according to the work team.

Continuous services

In response to a question by the editor-in-chief of the Gulf News newspaper, Abdul Hamid Ahmed, by Hamid Al-Qatami about the health services provided by the Dubai Health Authority and their vulnerability in parallel with efforts to reduce the spread of the Corona virus, Al-Qatami said that the services provided by the Dubai Health Authority and even the private sector from diagnosing Treatment and operations in all departments work as they were before. The Health Authority annually receives more than three million people, whether for diagnostic or treatment purposes in outpatient clinics or hospitals. There are thousands of medium and large operations performed in Health Authority hospitals, all of which are done according to your schedule. For regularity, hospital work is in accordance with the normal pattern and we have many medical specialties that work regularly and without being affected by the efforts being made to limit the spread of COFED 19. »

He added: «There are specialized departments to receive Corona cases and deal with them, and there is a mechanism for cooperation and coordination between government or private hospitals to transfer cases, and there is no effect in the work of hospitals and the provision of medical service to community members.

During the press conference, which was run remotely via visual communication technology, the team, Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, answered a question related to warnings received from some countries of the world about the high number of crimes due to the outbreak of the Corona virus, especially cyber or electronic crimes, and whether Dubai police had detected any criminal activity and the extent of The security sectors were affected by the efforts to contain Covid-19, and he said: "The government of the UAE and the government of Dubai have strong relations with all countries of the world and international security organizations in them. Over the The time is in coordination with international organizations, whether it is "Interpol" or "Europol" or other police leaders in the Asia or Europe region in order to reduce and eliminate crime.

He pointed out that in times of blanket prohibition and sterilization, some groups may turn to some wrong practices through the internet and social media, stressing that Dubai police teams maintain the highest levels of readiness and preparedness to prevent such phenomena from occurring, indicating that Dubai police managed days before Seized a quantity of drugs amounting to 58 tons in a pre-emptive operation called "sterilization process."

He pointed out that gold stores in the Naif market area remained closed for more than a month without registering any theft despite the owners of these stores, which number about 1270 stores, leaving their expensive goods inside the shops, and this is due to their confidence in the high level of safety provided by Dubai and its police services.

In a question to Abdullah Al-Mutawa from Al-Arabiya channel and to Al-Qatami, the extent of the Dubai Health Authority’s readiness for possible scenarios, he answered: “We have monitored during the past weeks an increase in the number of citizens infected with the virus, which took us a lot of study to find out the reasons, which all revolved around the large number of family visits that take place During Ramadan, and today we are going through a period of celebrations on the occasion of Eid Al Fitr, which is also witnessing communication between people and families, and I take this opportunity to appeal to members of society to follow all the preventive measures and procedures established by the relevant authorities, whether at the local or federal level, The most important of them is the necessity of social distancing and avoiding visits. "

Al-Qatami added: "We are ready to deal with all scenarios, whether increasing the number of injuries or other matters. We are also following all policies to raise efficiency in the health system, whether for hospitals or places of isolation or isolation and throughout the holiday period there will be a continuous emergency period and all procedures Ongoing and may be intensified during this period, and I ask all citizens and residents to consider this stage with a kind of appreciation for the current circumstances, and we are fully confident of their response and cooperation. "

The editor-in-chief of Khaleej Times newspaper, Mustafa Al-Zarouni, asked the Commander in Chief of Dubai Police about the special care that workers ’housing areas enjoy in Dubai during this exceptional period, and will there be special procedures during Eid for this group of society, and he explained that workers are a major component of UAE society and they are equal in rights and duties and all necessary care is provided to them by the Dubai government that did not lose sight of this category and provided them with the highest levels of health care required and provided them with health supplies, and also provided them with special places for isolation and quarantine, and until yesterday (Wednesday 20 May Done P nearly seven million breakfast on the various areas of Dubai including labor areas, pointing out that Dubai Police cooperate with all sides in the distribution of meals on a daily basis in more than 46 sites in Dubai.

In response to a question about the application of the new procedures that were announced, including the updated regulations to control violations and administrative penalties, and if that means stopping the implementation of warning violations for violators, Al-Marri answered that the aim of imposing the violations is to implement the regulations and regulations and not imposing penalties on members of society, noting Until the crisis enters its fifth month soon, and the issue of warning violations should have been surpassed by community members since the first month, stressing that the Dubai Police aspires to educate the community about the importance of applying precautionary measures by 100%, and it counts on the awareness of community members and its cooperation Full, calling on all members of the community to form a special model of community cohesion in Eid Al Fitr days and commitment to social Baltbaeid.

At the end of his speech during the conference, Al-Qatami stressed that the leadership of the UAE provided all means of support to ensure the health and safety of community members, pointing to its daily follow-up of the situation on the ground, and that there are many teams working continuously, and besides that we would like to emphasize taking all precautionary and preventive measures , And the commitment of all segments of society to it, and to express joy in the feast by committing to social separation and ensuring the health and safety of the community.

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