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“Senior scholars in Dubai”: The sermon of Eid is not a condition for valid prayer

5/21/2020, 10:49:21 PM

The Senior Scholars Authority in the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai revealed that the Eid sermon is not a condition for the validity of the prayer, but rather the Eid prayer without it is valid, as if the person who prays the Eid then goes away, because his prayer is valid according to the agreement of the scholars, and he does not request those who pray in his home, even in normal circumstances , To propose to

The Senior Scholars Authority in the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai revealed that the Eid sermon is not a condition for the validity of the prayer, but rather the Eid prayer without it is valid, as if the person who prays the Eid then goes away, because his prayer is valid according to the agreement of the scholars, and he does not request those who pray in his home, even in normal circumstances To preach to himself or to those who prays at home, such as women who do not witness the Eid prayer in the chapels and mosques and pray in their homes, it is not addressed to them, and their prayers are valid, so whoever prays the Eid in this exceptional situation from the first door.

This came in a fatwa issued by the authority on the ruling on Eid prayer, with the status of the Corona virus, given the current conditions the country is going through.

The fatwa stated that the Eid prayer is a confirmed Sunnah with the Malikis and Shafi’is, and it is obligatory upon the Hanafi, and the imposition of sufficiency at the Hanbalis, indicated its legitimacy in the correct year, including the perseverance of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him since it began in the second year of migration, and its time after the sun rises and rises as much as a spear to Meridian, and Shafi’i permits it immediately after sunrise, and it is one of the apparent rituals of Islam that it is confirmed to preserve and show it, unless it prevents it from showing fear for the soul or money, as if there is a barrier to fear for the soul because of a pandemic such as this epidemic that we live, which people are excused from Collections, groups, Tarawih, and others A, in addition to lectures, breakfast tables and other official, social and family gatherings, all of this in order to prevent the spread of harmful virus infection among people, in fulfillment of the intention of the legitimate Sharia of self-preservation, which is the second college of the five colleges in the eyes of Islamic law, and all divine laws Status, and taking the principle of capacity in Islamic law, which made the performance of acts of worship - including prayers for the two feasts - on ease and capacity, as he said, peace and blessings of God be upon him and his family: “If I command you to do something, come from it as much as you can,” as the two sheikhs mentioned it from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him about him.

It is within the scope of the Sharia that if it works its primary purpose in preserving people and paying harm to them, by closing mosques and chapels until God Almighty relieves his servants and removes the harm from them; She has expanded the performance of this Islamic ritual by performing it individually in the home or with the small family, so the man prays in his home, and the woman prays in her home in her known manner, to the public, unlike the Hanafis, who do not see the performance of the Eid prayer in the homes. I described it - according to the audience - two rak'ahs with the intention of Eid al-Fitr prayer, or Eid al-Adha - at the time - it grows for Ihram, then it increases the enlarged takbeers, which are seven takbeers, separating each takbeer and another as much as glory be to God and praise be to God and there is no god but God and God is great, and if he grows up six The takbeers of its parts are the doctrine of the Maliki and Hanbali masters. Then, after the takbeers, it is prescribed to recite Al-Fatihah and Surah, and the first is to recite after the Al-Faatihah Surah Al-Ala’i, and in the second the foolishness, or what is available to him. And Surah, and thus he has performed the Eid prayer and received the full reward for it There is no deficiency, God willing.

As for the rest of the Sunnahs of Eid from the absolute enlargement that is prescribed from when it is known that the crescent moon has entered the month of Shawwal to the commencement of the Eid prayer, and the restricted enlargement after the prayers in Al-Adha, the Muslim and Muslim women must perform it individually or in groups. And the matter in which the scars agree, so it should be preserved and multiplied.

A Muslim who is keen on the virtue of Eid prayers at his home, should not miss it because she has no sermon.

As for the rest of the Sunnah of Eid, from washing and dyeing, wearing the best clothes, and eating dates before praying during the fast, it is Sunnah intended on the day of the Eid for the same day and its merits, not for the purpose of attending the prayer, whether there is an attendance for the Eid prayer or not, until menstruation and postpartum, it is permissible for them to come This Sunan.

Eid greetings

The Senior Scholars Authority in the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai regarding congratulations on the occasion of Eid and the womb connection, on this holiday, stated that the situation is not different from others, except in terms of lack of direct communication, as required by the official directives, the Muslim congratulates his relatives and who knows and who does not know in ways Social networking programs, and the quarantine and health and official directions should not be broken for Eid visits, for every person excuses his relative and others, so its provisions are necessary, and every person must protect himself and others, this is the legal and legal duty that must be adhered to.

Eid prayer is a confirmed Sunnah for the Maalikis and Shafi’is, and it is obligatory upon the Hanafis, and imposing sufficiency at the Hanbalis.

A Muslim congratulates Eid on social media platforms

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