Teller Report

WHO responds to U.S. threat to withdraw dues: has expanded its donor base in transition

5/20/2020, 9:34:37 PM

  (Fighting against new pneumonia) WHO responds to US threats to withdraw dues: has expanded its donor base in transition   China News Agency, Brussels, May 20 (Xinhua): After the Trump administration in the United States threatened to terminate the payment of dues to WHO, WHO Director-General Tan Desai said on the 20th that the WHO has begun to transform three years ago. Strive to expand the don...

  (Fighting against new pneumonia) WHO responds to US threats to withdraw dues: has expanded its donor base in transition

  China News Agency, Brussels, May 20 (Xinhua): After the Trump administration in the United States threatened to terminate the payment of dues to WHO, WHO Director-General Tan Desai said on the 20th that the WHO has begun to transform three years ago. Strive to expand the donation base and improve the "quality" of funds, hoping to solve the financial challenges facing us.

  Tan Desai pointed out at the regular press conference held at the WHO headquarters in Geneva that WHO ’s budget is not high, not exceeding US $ 2.3 billion per year, which is comparable to the annual budget of a medium-sized hospital in developed countries. Organizations use this budget to work for the world.

  Tan Desai emphasized that since he was elected Director-General three years ago, he has been promoting the transformation of WHO. One of the goals is to find new sources of funding and expand WHO ’s donor base. For this, WHO has developed the first For investment projects, it is planned to start the WHO Foundation as soon as possible to raise funds.

  He further pointed out that in the 1970s and 1980s, member states ’assessments accounted for more than 80% of the WHO ’s budget. Now the situation is completely reversed, with assessments only accounting for 20% of the WHO ’s budget and the remaining 80% of the budget All come from voluntary contributions.

  Tan Desai expressed his hope that WHO's transformation can not only increase the number of funds, but also improve the "quality" of funds, that is, obtain more "high-quality" funds, and strive to solve the financial challenges facing WHO. He also emphasized that since the WHO began its transformation three years ago, this strategy has nothing to do with the "current situation".

  On the other hand, the head of the WHO Health Emergencies Project Michael Ryan said at a press conference that most of the US government ’s funding for WHO this year went to WHO health emergencies and humanitarian aid projects, especially Health emergency projects have the highest proportion of funds. If the Trump administration terminates the payment of dues, it will directly affect these projects, which will greatly affect WHO's health assistance to the world's most vulnerable people. (Finish)

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