Teller Report

UAE sends 14 tons of medical aid to the Palestinian territories to reinforce efforts to combat "Corona"

5/20/2020, 12:31:03 AM

The UAE has sent urgent medical supplies to the occupied Palestinian territories to support efforts to contain the new Corona epidemic "Covid-19" and mitigate its impact on the Palestinian people.

The UAE has sent urgent medical supplies to the occupied Palestinian territories to support efforts to contain the new Corona epidemic "Covid-19" and mitigate its impact on the Palestinian people.

The aid included personal protection kits and medical equipment, as well as 10 most urgently needed artificial respirators.

This assistance comes in line with the response plan to contain the "Covid-19" epidemic in the occupied Palestinian territories and limit its spread.

The coordinator of the United Nations Special Office for the Middle East Peace Process expressed his gratitude to the UAE government for sending 14 tons of urgent medical supplies to support efforts to contain the epidemic (Covid-19) and mitigate its impact on the occupied Palestinian territories.

For its part, Ambassador Lana Zaki Nusseibeh, the permanent representative of the UAE to the United Nations said, "This global crisis requires an international response ... The UAE expresses its gratitude to the office of the United Nations General Coordinator to facilitate the arrival of state-provided aid to the Palestinian people, as well as to work The United Nations is committed to supporting global efforts to combat this epidemic. "

For his part, Nikolai Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, thanked the UAE government and people for their continuous support to the Palestinian people .. He said, “The UAE is an important partner, and we appreciate its continued support for peace and the Palestinian people at this critical time. As global solidarity It is in everyone's interest. We are facing today the most difficult crisis since the Second World War, and we can only overcome it by working together. "

It is mentioned that this aid is part of the UAE's commitment to the continuous support of the Palestinian people. The country, which is one of the largest donors to UNRWA, contributed more than $ 828.2 million in the period from 2013 to April 2020 to finance various sectors in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The UAE was one of the largest countries in the world in providing aid to contain the "Covid-19" pandemic, providing more than 500 tons of aid to 47 countries.

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