Teller Report

The creators get a considerable income directly

5/20/2020, 10:13:15 PM

Users buy more and less, it is difficult for creators to directly obtain considerable income through the platform The emoji package is easy   As a kind of chat art in the Internet era, emoticons convey people's "emotions, sorrows, joys, sorrows, and joy." They can express unspeakable things in a slightly joking way, which is just right and polite. As a popular online culture, emoticons have attr...

Users buy more and less, it is difficult for creators to directly obtain considerable income through the platform

The emoji package is easy

  As a kind of chat art in the Internet era, emoticons convey people's "emotions, sorrows, joys, sorrows, and joy." They can express unspeakable things in a slightly joking way, which is just right and polite. As a popular online culture, emoticons have attracted the attention of capital, but it is not easy to mine the commercial value of emoticons.

  "Emoji bags are a good thing. Every time you don't know what to say, a face-covering expression can resolve embarrassment." Zhang Mingyuan, who works at Beijing International Trade, said she and two friends challenged "WeChat expressionless chat" 1 Hours ended in failure. "If the challenge can only be chatted with emoticons, I think we can all challenge success."

  Despite the large number of users, industry sources revealed that compared to countries with developed emoticon industry, due to different payment habits, there are not many domestic users willing to pay for emoticons.

  Cheng Hua, a professor at the School of Economics at Renmin University of China, believes that an important function of domestic emoticons is to share. The appearance of some "explosive models" is often accidental. The creators are grassroots and promoted by the netizens; The emoticon pack produced by the purpose, even with professional promotion methods, is difficult to become an "explosive model".

  "It is difficult to form a business model by simply making emoticons, and a complete industrial chain support is needed behind it." Wang Biao, the CEO of the twelve cultures who launched the "Chang Cao Yan Tuanzi" emoticons, admitted that emoticons are only the company's operating and promotion IP. For a small part, the company cannot make money directly through emoticons.

  In addition, piracy is a headache for domestic emoji companies. The proliferation of piracy once brought the mosquito anime that launched the "Mushroom Head" expression pack into a business crisis. In order to launch genuine peripheral products and maintain business interests, Mosquito Anime is perfecting its copyright layout plan every year.

  "Excellent expression creators need a good ecology." WeChat related people said that although the appreciation income of the excellent expression packages on the head is very considerable, many expression package creators still cannot directly obtain considerable economic income through the expression package platform. However, the traffic brought by WeChat is a huge asset in itself. Cultivating IP through huge traffic and realizing it is the main profit model of some creators.

  Lin Dongdong, CEO of Xiamen Mengli Planet Network Co., Ltd., a company that produces emoticons, started to explore the industrialization of emoticons after having many emoticons, and making emoji dolls is the first step. "Many young people like to display dolls on the desk or at the head of the bed. The emoji dolls are especially popular as images they are familiar with everyday."

  Lin Dongdong said that the Taobao shop of emoji dolls achieved a turnover of more than 300,000 yuan per day. "The commercial value of emoticons exceeds our imagination. We need to give emoticons more artistry and let them not only enter people's lives, but also enter people's hearts."

  In this regard, Zhang Zengyi, a professor in the Department of Communication of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that if he wants to create a well-known IP, he should not only keep the content at the level of the expression package, but also establish a content matrix to enrich the content value of the expression package and make it derive more possibility.

  Our reporter Zhou Yi