Teller Report

Libyan PNS rejected a temporary truce proposed by Haftar

5/20/2020, 10:43:03 PM

The government of Libya’s national consent refused the proposed temporary armistice by the Libyan National Army for the period of the month of Ramadan, as this is an attempt by the LNA to buy time, said Mohammed al-Kablawi, spokesman for the PNS Foreign Ministry.

"The consent government had previously announced its ceasefire position and completely abandoned it, because it is an attempt to gain time and save (LNA commander Marshal Khalifa. - RT ) Haftar and his formation from successive defeats," RIA Novosti quotes him .

The PNS representative recalled that it was Haftar who rejected the ceasefire and the cessation of aggression during the inter-Libyan negotiations with the participation of Russia and Turkey in Moscow in January.

Earlier, the LNA announced the withdrawal of troops from Tripoli in connection with the onset of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.