Teller Report

In Glavkontrol Moscow explained how to appeal a fine for violation of self-isolation

5/20/2020, 7:19:15 PM

The head of the Main Control Directorate of Moscow, Yevgeny Danchikov, told RT how to appeal the fine for violating the self-isolation regime during the RT Beautiful Russia boo boo stream.

“It is possible to appeal a fine if a citizen does not agree that he was fined lawfully, that is, he did not violate anything and has relevant evidence and justification. Accordingly, then he can use the portal and submit an application in electronic form. If a citizen has undeniable evidence of the absence of his guilt, that he respected the regime of self-isolation and, for example, either didn’t go anywhere, or was in a medical institution, and he received a fine, then this fact will be assessed, dismantled and the fine canceled ”, - said Danchikov.

According to him, the citizen is given ten days to appeal the procedure after receiving the decision.

“He is given ten days to send an appropriate appeal to the Main Control Department, but he can do this earlier when he received an SMS notification or when he received a notification in his personal account. The fine is valid after the decision has been drawn up and it has been sent to the citizen through official channels, that is, by e-mail, ”the chief of the Main Control said.

He stressed that all unjust fines will be abolished after consideration of objective circumstances.

Earlier it was reported that the fine for violating the self-isolation regime, which was issued in Moscow to group I disabled person Irina Karabulatova, was canceled.

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