Teller Report

Health: All hospitals and medical centers in the country are equipped and have all medical supplies, including masks

5/20/2020, 8:25:03 PM

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection denied the contents of a photo clip on social media, in which an individual indicated a lack of medical masks in one of its hospitals. The Ministry affirmed that all hospitals and medical centers in the country are equipped and available

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection denied the contents of a photo clip on social media, in which an individual indicated a lack of medical masks in one of its hospitals.

The Ministry confirmed that all hospitals and medical centers in the country are equipped and have all the medical requirements, including medical masks, and that it is keen on daily coordination with all hospitals in the country and ensure its readiness in terms of medical equipment and supplies, in addition to the availability of medical staff and specialists.

The Ministry called on all members of society to be careful and accurate in dealing and publishing the incorrect clips and circulating them, which exposes their owners to legal accountability, while stressing that it has taken measures against the photographer and the owner of the clip.

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