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Donald Trump finally wants to organize the G7 summit at Camp David

5/20/2020, 7:55:03 PM

While scheduled to take place via video conference, the G7 summit could be held in June at Camp David, Donald Trump said on Wednesday. Its French, Canadian and German counterparts remain ...

President Donald Trump spoke on Wednesday May 20 of the possibility of organizing the G7 summit in June at Camp David, and not by videoconference, as had been decided because of the coronavirus.

"Now that our country has started its 'return to greatness', I plan to reprogram the G7, on the same date or more, at Camp David, legendary place," tweeted the tenant of the White House. "The other members (of the G7) are also starting their return. It would be a great symbol for everyone. Standardization!"

Now that our Country is “Transitioning back to Greatness”, I am considering rescheduling the G-7, on the same or similar date, in Washington, DC, at the legendary Camp David. The other members are also beginning their COMEBACK. It would be a great sign to all - normalization!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 20, 2020

The organization of this summit was mentioned in a telephone exchange on Wednesday between Donald Trump and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, according to the American executive.

The latter says he is "willing" to go to the United States for the G7 summit, "but obviously, with precautions, if however the sanitary conditions allow it," said the Elysee.

Angela Merkel ambiguous about her intentions

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was very cautious about this hypothesis, stressing the importance of studying "what measures would be put in place" and "the recommendations of the experts".

Likewise, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has deliberately remained ambiguous about her intentions. "Whatever form the G7 meeting takes, video conferencing or whatever, I will definitely fight for multilateralism," she said in Berlin.

>> Read: Covid-19: Obama implicitly criticizes Trump for his management of the pandemic

The official vacation home of the Presidents of the United States, Camp David, located in a mountainous region of the state of Maryland, is a secluded place that is easy to secure.

It has often been used for high-level international discussions. It was there that the last G7 organized in the United States took place in 2012, under the presidency of Barack Obama.

The place is also famous for the Camp David agreements, signed in September 1978 under the mediation of Jimmy Carter by the Egyptian president Anouar el-Sadate and the Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin. These agreements established the conditions for peace between Egypt and Israel.

With AFP and Reuters

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