Teller Report

A reopening "Sunday or Monday" at the Tradival slaughterhouse in Loiret

5/20/2020, 9:31:03 AM

Over fifty company employees recently contracted CovidAn epidemic outbreak has occurred in the Tradival slaughterhouse in Fleury-les-Aubrais, near Orléans. - PATRICK GELY / SIPA A possible resumption in the coming days. The Minister of Agriculture, Didier Guillaume, estimated this Wednesday that the Tradival slaughterhouse in Fleury-les-Aubrais (Loiret), where more than fifty employees contracted Covid-19 recently, will reopen "Sunday or Monday". "A ...

An epidemic outbreak has occurred in the Tradival slaughterhouse in Fleury-les-Aubrais, near Orléans. - PATRICK GELY / SIPA

A possible resumption in the coming days. The Minister of Agriculture, Didier Guillaume, estimated this Wednesday that the Tradival slaughterhouse in Fleury-les-Aubrais (Loiret), where more than fifty employees contracted Covid-19 recently, will reopen "Sunday or Monday". "A prefect has decided to close a slaughterhouse, that of Loiret, for seven days, it will reopen under sanitary conditions, from Sunday or Monday," the minister told Franceinfo.

"These slaughterhouses are the companies that worked during the entire confinement period and therefore, like all the other companies, they are more prone to have cases of infection from this disease," said the minister. Despite the implementation of barrier measures, “in a slaughterhouse, it is sometimes difficult to be within a meter of each other for two employees, for the simple reason that there are acts in the 'slaughterhouse that deserves to be two when you have a slightly heavy animal,' he said. A situation notably described by our journalist who visited the site this week.

Didier Guillaume did not, however, join the analysis of the Confédération paysanne, according to which industrial slaughterhouses are "incompatible with compliance with sanitary measures" intended to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Massive screening in slaughterhouses?

Asked about the possibility of testing all the employees of all the slaughterhouses, Didier Guillaume did not rule out this possibility. "We are in discussion with Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health, a decision will be made in the coming hours". "It may be a possibility. Of course, the government does not exclude anything when it comes to the health of French men and women, ”he added.

In addition to the Tradival cluster, in Côtes-d'Armor, 69 employees working in a slaughterhouse have also tested positive for Covid-19.


Coronavirus: "On the slaughterhouse hearth, we could not have reacted faster", according to the CHR of Orléans


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  • Agriculture
  • Covid 19
  • Economy
  • Coronavirus
  • Slaughterhouse
  • Screening