Teller Report

50 Taliban militants were killed in clashes with government forces in Afghanistan

5/20/2020, 10:46:43 PM

Afghan forces killed more than 50 Taliban militants during a clash on the outskirts of Kunduz city, the provincial capital of the same name, while seven people were killed in an attack on a mosque north of Kabul, during evening prayers. The Afghan Defense Ministry stated that militants Taliban »launched an attack

Afghan forces killed more than 50 Taliban militants during a clash on the outskirts of Kunduz city, the provincial capital of the same name, while seven people were killed in an attack on a mosque north of Kabul, during evening prayers.

The Afghan Ministry of Defense stated that the Taliban militants launched a coordinated attack in the city, and the Afghan forces responded to the attack with the support of the Air Force, as they killed more than 50 Taliban militants and wounded more than 60 others, and the ministry indicated that forces were deployed Additional feature in Kunduz to better control the situation in the city.

In addition, at least seven worshipers were killed and 21 others wounded, in an attack launched by gunmen, the day before yesterday, on a mosque in Barwan district, north of the capital, Kabul, according to security sources.

The district police chief, Haroun Mobarez, said that the attack targeted the village of Khalil Zay, where seven people were killed and 21 others were wounded, when gunmen attacked the mosque at the evening prayer, and added that the attackers escaped.

For its part, the Taliban announced that it is committed to the historic agreement it concluded with the United States, despite accusations that it has launched thousands of attacks in Afghanistan since its signing.

"I urge American officials not to provide an opportunity to obstruct and postpone, and ultimately derail this internationally recognized bilateral agreement," said the leader of the "Taliban", Haibatullah Akhundzada, in a message published yesterday.

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