Teller Report

The Covid-19 promotes the PSOE, which would achieve 31% of the votes according to the Tezanos CIS

5/19/2020, 10:16:02 AM

The Covid-19 drives the PSOE, which would achieve 31% of the votes according to the Tezanos CIS. The CIS publishes this barometer after the controversy raised last month when in

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The Covid-19 drives the PSOE, which would achieve 31% of the votes according to the Tezanos CIS.

The CIS publishes this barometer after the controversy that arose last month when in its last study it included biased questions about information management in a time of pandemic. The president of the center, the socialist José Félix Tezanos will appear precisely this afternoon in the Constitutional Commission of the Congress to give explanations about it. He does it forced by the parliamentary groups, with the exception of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos, who argued that, due to his advanced age, he was included in a risk group for contagion.

In its last barometer, that of April, the CIS granted a vote intention of 31.2% to the PSOE, more than three points above the result obtained on 10-N; 21.1% to the PP, just three tenths more than in the November elections; 13% to Vox, two points below what was achieved in the elections; 12% to Unidas Podemos and 7.6% to Ciudadanos.

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • CIS
  • PSOE
  • United We Can
  • Citizens
  • José Félix Tezanos
  • PP
  • Vox
  • CIS survey

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