Teller Report

SVT Sport reveals: Youth leaders investigated for bribery - when child pornography was discovered

5/19/2020, 4:04:08 PM

A youth leader was investigated for trying to fix matches between P13 teams by bribing judges. In addition, during the investigation over 36 hours of child pornographic films were discovered. He is now being prosecuted - both for bribery and child pornography.

SVT Sport has in recent days paid attention to match fixing in Swedish football. Among other things, a survey, sent to all players in the top three men's leagues, showed that at least 73 players know of fixed matches that have not been reported in the media, and that at least 82 players have played matches that they suspect have been settled in advance. .

But even at a significantly lower level there have been attempts at match fixing. SVT Sport can now reveal that a former youth leader in a large sports association is being prosecuted for bribery. The man, who is 25 years of age, should have tried to bribe an 18-year-old and a 15-year-old referee before two different matches between P13 teams last season. The defendant was not a coach for any of the teams in the matches in question.

Bribed two judges

The suspected leader denies the charges. Prosecutor Staffan Edlund does not know exactly what motive the accused has had.

- There is no really good answer in this investigation as to why he did it. But he has. The idea is to somehow influence the matches that the referees would judge. But I have no idea what reason he has for doing so. It's pretty hard to understand why he did it, Edlund tells SVT Sport.

Documentary: The fix and the cheat - the threat to Swedish football

Found child porn in the leader's computer

In the preliminary investigation there is sms from the defendant where he claimed to be the leader of one of the clubs and offered the judge money to be biased and to make sure his team won the match. In the hearing, the defendant claims that it must be someone else who sent the SMS to the judges when he put away his phone.

During the bribery investigation, child pornographic material was also found in the man's computer, mobile phone and hard drive, and he is therefore also prosecuted for child pornography crimes. However, it cannot be linked to his leadership.

- I have indicted him for possession of child pornography. There, at least, I have not received any information that he has, so to speak, produced any material and nothing that indicates that he should have produced it himself, prosecutor Rickard Wahlqvist tells SVT Sport.

Has quit as leader

The defendant is no longer a leader in his former club, but ended shortly after the current bribery case should have occurred.

- He was with us for a fairly short time, and it was in the crank that we dismissed him. I don't really have any more comments than that, more than the fact that he is no longer active with us, says a manager of the club in question.

He is also charged with child pornography offenses, did you know that?

- No, I didn't know.

How does it feel to you as a manager that someone who has been the leader of you is suspected of such a crime?

- After all, we have our routines where we include extracts from the load register. This applies to all leaders, as well as to him. But when you mention it, it doesn't feel good.

Have you received any indications that something may have affected some child for which he was leader?

- Absolutely nothing. Had we got it we would have acted ourselves.

Do you think there is reason for you to review your routines?

- In such an activity, where children are involved, it is clear that it always seeks out other people with different types of purposes. We do everything we can to make sure it doesn't happen. But if they are not doomed, it is difficult for us, with our opportunities, to discover all. This is not the first thing anyone says, but we try to do everything we can to ensure that no children are exposed.

Child pornography offenses can give up to two years in prison. Giving bribes can also give it two years in prison.

The leader is also charged with fraud offenses.