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Ronaldo appears today for the first time in Juventus training in two months

5/19/2020, 10:37:02 AM

Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo returned today to his club Juventus for the first time, after an absence of nearly two months due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus. The 35-year-old Ronaldo himself drove his dark glass jeep into the club's headquarters. The winning Portuguese

Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo returned today to his club Juventus for the first time, after an absence of nearly two months due to the outbreak of the new Corona virus. Ronaldo, 35, himself drove his dark glass jeep into the club's headquarters.

The Portuguese, who has won the Golden Ball for the best player in the world five times, will undergo medical and physical exams before joining his teammates, according to reports in local newspapers.

Juventus players returned to their individual training starting May 4, the same day that Ronaldo returned to Turin after two months spent in Portugal. Ronaldo was quarantined in Italy for 14 days at his luxurious home in Turin.

Ronaldo played his last game for Juventus, when he beat Inter Milan 2-0 on March 8 before the league stopped the next day due to the "Covid-19" epidemic, which killed more than 32 thousand people in Italy.

Juventus, who have won the title in the past eight seasons, were ahead of Lazio by one point at the top of the domestic league. Ronaldo became the first foreign player among the players to leave Italy during the quarantine period, who return to the training headquarters of the Continasa of the Turin giant. The League League was hoping for the clubs to resume their group training as of yesterday, but the scientific and technical committee has not yet approved the health protocol, to announce its decision officially within the current week.

The Italian Football Federation issued a statement yesterday evening, confirming that all of its competitions will remain suspended until the fourteenth of June, according to the government decree issued on Monday also in this regard. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte indicated that his government needs "more guarantees" before it is given the green light to resume domestic league activity.

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