Teller Report

Revelation by Klishina, a clip with a Messi kiss and weight loss Dokic 53 kg: near-sporting events of the week

5/19/2020, 4:34:05 PM

Long jumper Daria Klishina said that in the USA she received an offer to do escort services, and tennis player Elena Dokich revealed the secret of how she managed to lose 53 kg in a year and a half. Lionel Messi and Paulo Dybala starred in the video of a Puerto Rican rapper, and Dele Alli was attacked in his own house. Fighter Alexander Emelianenko started a YouTube channel, and skier Sergei Ustyugov complained to journalists who again confused him with a namesake biathlete. Near-sporting events of the past week - in the material RT.

Klishina was offered to take an escort, and Messi starred in the video 

One of the most beautiful athletes in Russia, Daria Klishina, has lived and trained in the United States in recent years. According to her, local residents regularly try to get to know her. In April 2020, the athlete even had to jokingly apologize to women for practicing traditional values.

The other day, the only athlete who performed at the 2016 Olympics under the Russian flag admitted that she received obscene offers in the States, among other things. One man suggested Daria to do escort services. He wrote her a personal message on Instagram and promised a cash reward of $ 200 thousand per month.

“I am not sending anyone, but immediately harshly replied:“ Sorry, but this proposal does not interest me ”... I sat later and thought: can I really impress a girl who could agree to such a thing?” - Klishina was perplexed in an interview with

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Posted by The official Darya Klishina (@dariaklishina) May 11, 2020 at 5:11 PDT

In the meantime, dozens of famous couples from around the world, including Lionel Messi and his wife Antonella, appeared in the Puerto Rican rapper Residente's video for the song Antes Que El Mundo Se Acabe. Of the athletes in the video, his compatriot Paulo Dybala with his girlfriend Oriana Sabatini and the Mexican boxer Saul Alvarez with the chosen one Fernanda Gomez also took part.

“Before the end of the world, we must kiss,” the singer sings.

NFL players commit a robbery, and Alli is a victim of a raid

American football players Deandre Baker of the New York Giants and Quinton Dunbar of the Seattle Seahawks are suspected of armed raid. The robbery occurred on May 13, when the athletes were at a party. It is reported that at some point the first one took out a weapon, and the second, together with an unidentified person, began to take money from those gathered. The extraction of athletes was $ 12 thousand in cash and valuables for an even larger amount. The raiders left the scene of the crime in cars. The police of Maramara, Florida, announced the issuance of a warrant for the arrest of athletes and on Saturday Baker surrendered to the authorities, and later Dunbar appeared in the police.

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Posted by Dele (@dele) on Apr 11, 2020 at 7:23 am PDT

A similar incident occurred last week in the mansion of London's Tottenham star Dele Alli - with the only difference being that the footballer himself was injured. The midfielder invited friends to his place and spent time with his girlfriend Ruby Mae playing billiards. After midnight, masked men and knives broke into Allie's home. The owner was hit in the face. Got one of his guests. The robbers took two pairs of Allie’s expensive watches, Ma’s jewelry and disappeared.

Gibbs-White called for self-isolation and went to a party

Another submarine player, Morgan Gibbs-White from Wolves, also appeared in the press. Some time ago, a 20-year-old pupil of the club published a soulful post on Instagram, urging people to stay at home and thereby help doctors in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic. He himself violated the regime of self-isolation and went to a party.

A video appeared on the Internet in which Gibbs-White has fun in the company of Georgia Steel and Elma Lazar, participants in the reality show "Island of Love". The frames show that vacationers drank. According to British media, the event ended late at night. Wolverhampton promised to punish the footballer.

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Posted by Morgan Gibbs-White (@morgxngibbs) Mar 24, 2020 at 10:13 am PDT

Kenny Sense, a former defender of the London Arsenal and England, was hospitalized with a head injury, reportedly received in a drunken brawl. British media report that doctors are fighting for the life of seriously injured Sansom.

Mongol beat 240 pounds Grisha

Blogger Oleg Mongol, known for participating in the video of Alexander Revva, defeating Cyril Tereshin, nicknamed Bazooka Hands and various eccentric antics, fought against a 240-pound opponent named Gregory. The fight took place on the roof of a multi-storey building and lasted a half round. The roles of judges and seconds were taken by three witnesses of the “show”.

In the debut of the match, the Mongol fell, but managed to get to his feet. When his opponent got tired, the blogger hit his face and knocked out a tooth. Gregory recovered for a long time, complaining of blood from his lips, but still found the strength to continue the fight. After the timeout, the advantage of the Mongol became apparent. As a result, the battle was stopped ahead of schedule, conferring victory on a more experienced opponent. At the end of the summer, the opponents agreed to a revenge.

Razuki Ruka, a former adversary of the Mongol, earned fame due to his participation in the slap tournament. One of the stars of this folk fun is Vasily Kamotsky, nicknamed Vasya Pelmen. Recently, the famous comedian and long-time UFC commentator Joe Rogan watched the recording of his fight with former rival Fedor Emelianenko by Brazilian Zuluzinho: rumors about this kind of sport reached the United States. The host of this show did not like it. Rogan called slap competitions "the stupidest thing you can watch."

Alexander Emelyanenko became a blogger

The scandalous fighter Alexander Emelianenko, in turn, decided to follow the fashion and launched a YouTube channel. The athlete’s crown phrase “Hello, hello good people” was chosen as the name. As specified in the annotation, his friend Viktor Meshchenkov will help channel Emelianenko. The men met while serving their sentences in Butyrka prison.

“The life, work, travel, sport and leisure of the most discussed mixed martial arts fighter of the country, Alexander Emelianenko, whom many follow, which they discuss, condemn and support, but do not remain indifferent,” the channel’s description says.

For several days, more than 5.5 thousand people subscribed to the channel. In the first issue you can see the younger brother of Emelianenko - Ivan, his mother and director Valery Gai Germanicus, who, according to Meshchenkov’s statement, began to make a film about Alexander. The heroes of the video were also the well-known boxing coach Oleg Menshikov and the autoblogger Eric Davidich.

Ibbu stood up for low-ranking tennis players

Algerian tennis player from the seventh hundred WTA ranking Ines Ibbu answered the Austrian Dominic Tim, who refused to fold into the support fund for low-ranking players because of their "unprofessionalism." Ibbu recorded a video message to Tim, in which she said that she was born in a poor family and grew up outside the city. In addition, according to her, in Algeria there are no international coaches, sponsors, or even high-quality courts. The athlete added that no one asked Tim for money, since the career of tennis players depends not only on this.

In support of Ibbu, American Venus Williams and Australian Nick Kiryos spoke out. An American called Algeria her heroine, for which she was grateful. And Kiryos declared respect for the Ibbu act.

Another tennis player, the former fourth racket of the world, Elena Dokich, posted a collage with two photos on Instagram, showing her transformation and telling about the problems on the way to the perfect figure. For a year and a half, the 37-year-old athlete lost 53 kg. Dokic admitted that it was a difficult path, which included starvation, training, and breakdowns. According to her, first of all, this issue is about a mental battle with oneself, and only then - about physical exertion and deprivation. The tennis player urged subscribers to move forward at all costs, remain psychologically strong and strive to be the best version of herself.

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Publication by Jelena Dokic 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 (@dokic_jelena) May 12, 2020 at 1:48 PDT

Ustyugov offended by journalists

Two-time world champion in cross-country skiing Sergei Ustyugov was beset by a television oversight. Journalists confused him with the namesake - biathlete Yevgeny Ustyugov. As the skier emphasized, this was not the first time.

“People working in the media, how can you distinguish biathlon from skiing? A big hello to the program editor, I’m waiting for an apology, ”Sergey Ustyugov wrote on Instagram.

To his words, he added a video of the plot about Evgeny Ustyugov using the recording of ski competitions. Television commentator Dmitry Guberniev came to comment on the post, writing that biathlon is a much more popular sport than skiing.

“So popular that your colleagues cannot distinguish a skier from a biathlete,” Sergey Ustyugov responded.

One of the subscribers recommended the skier to demand monetary compensation from the journalists, to which Ustyugov, not for fun, or seriously, answered that he was starting to search for lawyers.

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Publication by Sergei Ustiugov (@ sergei86m) May 14, 2020 at 11:22 PDT