Teller Report

Pierre Ferracci, president of Paris FC: Jean-Michel Aulas "is wrong about fighting"

5/19/2020, 6:13:08 PM

Pierre Ferracci, president of Paris FC, criticized the attitude of Jean-Michel Aulas, who is campaigning for a resumption of the professional football championships. & Nbsp; & quot; Tuesday night on Europe 1 the leader of the Ligue 2 club.

Pierre Ferracci, president of Paris FC, criticized the attitude of Jean-Michel Aulas, who campaigns for a resumption of the professional football championships. "He is leaving all over the place, he is in the wrong fight", judged Tuesday night on Europe 1 the leader of the Ligue 2 club.


French football continues to tear at the end of the professional championships. Since the government's decision to blow the whistle on the end of the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 seasons, several leaders, led by Jean-Michel Aulas, continue to campaign for a recovery. Pierre Ferracci, president of Paris FC and favorable to the stop of football, criticized his Lyonnais counterpart, Tuesday evening on Europe 1.

"He starts all over the place, he has the wrong fight. I am the first to admit that there are very heavy economic stakes. But Jean-Michel (Aulas) cannot have Ligue 1 taken over in acrobatic conditions simply to let Olympique Lyonnais go to the Champions League ", tackled the leader of the Ligue 2 club.

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"The Germans take a risk"

The Professional Football League (LFP) meets on Wednesday, with the distribution of TV rights and the choice of format for the next Ligue 2 season on the menu. And in the light of Pierre Ferracci's comments, the exchanges promise to be another stormy times. "Jean-Michel Aulas will play in the Champions League if it does not end in August, since he is still qualified (OL must face Juventus Turin in Italy in the round of 16, after winning 1 -0 one way). At some point the virus prevails over everything else, "added Pierre Ferracci.

But then, could French football have done like Germany, which took over the championship last weekend? "I believe that the Germans are taking risks, but they have an advantage: the epidemic has struck much less. We cannot compare with them, but more with Italy or Spain. From time to time, the logic sanitary prevails over economic logic, "replied the manager of Paris FC.


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"My relationship with Emmanuel Macron is more about economic issues"

Pierre Ferracci also responded to accusations published in several media, according to which he would have used his influence with Emmanuel Macron to stop the championship (his club finished 17th in Ligue 2 and was maintained).

"These fantasies do not interest me, it is a rare stupidity. My word has been in the public place for two months. I have always worked to have the stop of the championships studied. Presidents, under covered in anonymity, put pressure on Roxana Maracineanu. There are others who better shut up. Let everyone sweep outside his door ", reacted, virulently, the boss of the PFC, who is also a man business. "My relationship with Emmanuel Macron is more about economic issues than football," he said. 

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He is in favor of keeping Le Mans and Orléans in Ligue 2 

The president of Paris FC also defended the idea of ​​not relegating to National Le Mans and Orléans, respectively 19th and 20th in Ligue 2. "Le Mans will go down in National unlike goals, it is particularly unfair when it 10 days left. We must take this situation into account and avoid descents which can be catastrophic on the economic level. When going down in National, the TV rights are divided by 7 ", concluded Pierre Ferracci.