Teller Report

Hamdan bin Mohammed: The "Corona" crisis reflected the authentic values ​​of our society

5/19/2020, 11:08:17 PM

His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, stressed that the crisis of the outbreak of the Corona virus emerging in the world reflected the inherent values ​​embedded in society, and entrenched the solidarity and solidarity of its members, citizens and residents, to embody the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al

His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, stressed that the crisis of the outbreak of the Corona virus emerging in the world reflected the inherent values ​​embedded in society, and entrenched the solidarity and solidarity of its members, citizens and residents, to embody the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, relying on the cohesion of all individuals and institutions of society in their dealings with the crisis.

His Highness pointed out that human values ​​were clearly demonstrated in the society of the Emirates during dealing with the Corona crisis, stressing His Highness to continue the measures and measures that would reduce the repercussions left by the crisis on the affected groups of society, and help them to overcome these exceptional situations, especially the senior citizens, and the owners Determination, students.

His Highness, the Crown Prince of Dubai stressed the need for concerted efforts and complementarity to harness ways to mitigate the negative repercussions of the crisis on all groups of society, noting that his efforts will focus during the coming stage on providing community support to mitigate the effects of the crisis, especially for several groups, such as senior citizens, and people of determination, And the citizenship and resident families, in order to consolidate the pillars of cohesive families and provide them with all means of a decent life for them.

This came during a meeting that was held remotely, in the presence of His Highness Sheikh Maktoum bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, First Deputy Chairman of the Executive Council, and Secretary General of the Executive Council of the Emirate of Dubai Abdullah Al Basti, with a number of general managers of government agencies in Dubai.

His Highness the Crown Prince of Dubai said during the meeting: "Maintaining social cohesion is a national duty and a shared responsibility, no less important than what our soldiers offer in the front rows to contain the spread of the virus, so that Dubai remains an oasis of well-being, and an address of happiness."

And His Highness added: "God willing, we will get out of this crisis stronger and more persistent, and we will overcome this difficult experience by joining us and uniting behind our leadership." His Highness was briefed on the report on the readiness of educational services during and after the "Covid 19" stage, and the status of distance education in Dubai schools, which was presented by the Knowledge Development Authority, where the report covered a survey of parents, discussing possible points of improvement for the distance learning process.

His Highness the Crown Prince of Dubai reviewed the report presented by the Community Development Authority, particularly concerning the care of the elderly and people of determination, to ensure that they receive the necessary support, and ensure the full protection of these groups, and provide them with all requirements. His Highness also reviewed a report submitted by the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai related to the Community Solidarity Fund, and the food meals that are distributed daily, and addressed the importance of diversifying the languages ​​used in the necessary means of communication with community groups, to raise the level of awareness during the next stage to deal with the outbreak of the epidemic.

At the end of the meeting, His Highness expressed his full appreciation to all members of society, citizens and residents, who assumed their responsibilities towards the homeland as partners in facing this challenge. His Highness also valued the efforts of front-line soldiers to combat the virus and limit the opportunities for its spread, and the promising results that these efforts yielded.

Dubai Crown Prince:

• "Efforts will focus on providing community support during the next stage to mitigate the effects of the crisis."

• "God willing, we will get out of the crisis stronger and more persistent, and we will overcome this difficult experience."

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