Teller Report

Flourvallan's fate will be decided on Monday - Swedish election manager: "We are ready"

5/19/2020, 12:10:19 PM

On Monday, it is very likely that there will be a definite stop for flourvalla in cross-country skiing. The Swedish whaling team is ready. - We will be the best in the class. We are super-focused and welcome this ban, ”says the Swedish national team's new head coach Petter Myhlback to SVT Sport.

In November last year came the message that changes the conditions for international cross-country skiing. Flourvallan, which revolutionized the sliding ability of skis when it was launched several years ago, should be completely banned from the 2020/2021 season.

Since then, the ski association, Fis, has been forced to back something. In order for the ban to start to apply, a reliable check of the skis is needed before the competition.

But according to Sportexpressen, a "secret test machine" has now been developed in Germany. According to Fis's race manager, the machine has the ability to check each ski pair before the race and can be used already in winter.

SVT Sport explains: That's why you should care about fluoride

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Therefore, you should care about fluoride

- To be a secret machine, I don't think it's so secretive. It is simply a test equipment that must be in place for this to work, says the Swedish national team's new whaling manager Petter Myhlback to SVT Sport.

But how reliable is it?

- I don't really know. But the prerequisite for it to work is that you get a result within 10-20 seconds. If approved, I assume that it is reliable.

Decisions on Monday - the Swedish wallet team ready

On Monday next week, Fis's highest board of directors will make the final decision on when the ban will start to apply. Whether it is the coming season or the next, the Swedish whaling team will be ready.

- We want to be the best in the class. We are super focused and welcome this ban. Instead of muttering and having the attitude that it was better in the past, my attitude is that we should be really good at this. My team is super positive about this, ”says Petter Myhlback.

"Powered by the election companies"

He even believes the ban could be a "new ignition" for the entire whaling industry.

- We have these ramparts that have been standing and rolling in exactly the same way for 15-20 years. Then this will be a product development. There are really good alternatives to flour, a development that is being driven by the whey companies. They want to be the best and are on their toes now in a way they may not have been in recent years.

The basic reason why the flour whale is banned is that it has been found to be both environmentally and health hazardous.

- Many studies show that it is not at all healthy to breathe in flour. Although I am not affected now, I have nevertheless had in mind that it can be a big problem as I get older. So it's a good idea to get rid of that feeling, says Petter Myhlback.

KLIPP (May 16): New election manager on his mission: "Need to be extremely humble"

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Petter Myhlback is the new head coach in the cross country team. Photo: Photo Agency