Teller Report

An English team leader refuses to return to training for fear of his "baby son"

5/19/2020, 11:28:25 AM

England's Watford captain, Troy Denny, has refused to return to the club's scheduled training this week for fear of possible transmission of the new Corona virus to his five-month-old son. The English clubs have made an important step forward in their bid to resume the season.

England's Watford captain, Troy Denny, has refused to return to the club's scheduled training this week, fearing a possible transmission of the new Corona virus to his five-month-old son.

The English clubs made an important step forward in their endeavor to resume the season suspended since March because of "Covid-19", after yesterday agreed to allow group exercises, in small groups starting today, with players adhering to the rules of social separation and avoiding frictions among them.

Dini was among those who repeatedly said that the league should not be rushed with the continuation of the Corona virus, which made Britain second in the list of the most affected countries in the world in terms of deaths.

"We will be back this week. I said I will not go. It has nothing to do with the financial gain," Dini told podcast "Talk the Talk." "My son is five months old and has breathing difficulties. I don't want to go home and put him in danger." Larger".

All players and teams will be tested regularly to ensure they are not infected with the "Covid-19" virus, but my religion has highlighted the inconsistency with the return of a sport full of frictions, while the public is required to continue to follow the guidelines for social separation.
The 31-year-old stressed that he was prepared to bear any financial consequences and a salary cut if he did not play, adding, "While we are being tested, and we are in a very safe environment, only one person (with HIV) is required in the group. I don't want To bring that (infection) with me home. "

Denny revealed that he gave up the simplest things in order to protect his family, such as the decision not to go to the barber until July, but now he is required to "19 people in the penalty area to fight to play ball with the head. I don't know how that will work. Nobody can answer The questions are not because they don't want this, but because they don't have the information. "

He also said, "I lost my father, my grandmother and my grandfather. I somewhat lost everyone I care about. So, for me, this (family protection) is more important than putting a bunch of money in my back pocket."

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