Teller Report

Ahmed bin Mohammed directs Dubai media to prepare new visions to keep pace with the post «Covid-19»

5/19/2020, 11:07:31 PM

His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Media Council, directed the necessity of working on preparing a new strategy for Dubai media during the next stage, pursuant to the vision and directions of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to start And z

His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Media Council, directed the necessity of working on preparing a new strategy for Dubai media during the next stage, pursuant to the vision and directions of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to start Setting the strategies and plans of the UAE after "Covid-19", in the short and long term, in a manner that supports development goals and promotes economic and social stability.

His Highness, the Chairman of Dubai Media Council pointed out that the very different and specific stage that we stand with the world on its doorstep, necessitates an early and carefully studied preparation for what needs to be done to ensure that the society's requirements are met after passing the Corona pandemic crisis, noting that the media sector should be at the forefront of the sectors Ready to interact efficiently with this new era in human history, with all the opportunities and challenges it will bring.

His Highness noted that the Dubai media has succeeded in having a distinctive fingerprint in dealing with the repercussions of the current crisis, while playing an influential role in spreading awareness among people, whether the nature of the pandemic and what it calls for precautionary measures to address it, or in relation to the definition of developments in the situation and the efforts made by All the agencies concerned, to be the first source of information for the recipient in the follow-up of developments in an up-to-date manner, and with high efficiency, calling on His Highness to continue this approach, and to continue the various official media agencies to carry out their awareness responsibility towards society.

His Highness said: “We are proud of the good performance provided by Dubai media during the past few months in the face of the Corona crisis ... We trust the distinguished professional capabilities of our national media cadres, and their ability to demonstrate higher levels of professional excellence .. We await further development to keep pace with the requirements of the next stage. .. We have to be ready for what is to come .. Media work today, like all sectors, will be subject to new rules and new standards, we must participate in making them instead of waiting for conditions to impose on us. ”

In addition, Dubai Media held a remote meeting, which brought together the leaders of its various institutions, and Vice-President of the Dubai Media Council, Director General of the Media Office for the Government of Dubai, Mona Ghanem Al-Murri, spoke at the outset, which reviewed some of the features of the distinguished performance provided by Dubai Media in its various print and visual channels. The audio, as well as the electronic, in the face of the Corona pandemic crisis, and since its outbreak at the beginning of this year, stressing that the Dubai media has made a great effort to deliver the basic messages to the community and reassure it, and direct its members to the preventive measures and precautionary measures recommended by all international institutions and The concerned community, in various languages, to ensure that the message reaches various components of society, whether citizens or residents of all nationalities, in addition to the important role in addressing rumors, and clarify facts based on reliable scientific evidence, and from its original sources.

Al-Marri stressed that the great effort made by Dubai media institutions to keep pace with the requirements of the current stage should not concern us with what is most important, which is preparing for the next stage, and in line with the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.

The meeting discussed the broad lines of what must be focused on during the next stage, including work strategies and methods of operation and management, as well as interest in developing content in light of global trends, and the implications of the current global crisis of its paths, with agreement on the importance of subjecting all accompanying media phenomena The crisis and its developments on the international media level, for careful study, and in the context of assessing local needs, to accurately determine the best ways to adapt the existing data to serve our strategic goals internally, according to the new rules that Secreted «Kovid -19» media work, and other other vital sectors.

Ahmed bin Mohammed:

• "The Dubai media succeeded in having a distinctive footprint in dealing with the repercussions of the current crisis."

Mona Al-Murry:

• “Dubai Media made a great effort to deliver the basic messages to society and direct its members to preventive measures and measures.”

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