Teller Report

The rule of nuclear parity

5/18/2020, 5:19:13 PM

“At the same time, neither Russia nor China threatens either Europe, Germany or the NATO countries in general, especially through nuclear weapons. And if it were not for the aggressive behavior of the United States, not their unbridled desire to poke their military bases everywhere, the world would probably have long plunged into a state of stability, tranquility and prosperity. ”

US Ambassador to Warsaw Georgette Mosbacher admitted that the US nuclear arsenal could be relocated from Germany to Poland. She made such a statement against the backdrop of ongoing political discussion in Germany about the feasibility of deploying nuclear weapons in the country.

In this statement, Mosbacher immediately contains two symbolic moments, reflecting the rapid folding of American global dominance in the world. The first is the very possibility of a discussion about the appropriateness of American nuclear weapons in Germany. During the Cold War, such a discussion was impossible, even hypothetically.

Firstly, the Soviet threat was not called into question, since the Soviet project was ideological and claimed global dominance on a global scale, as well as the Western one. And secondly, Germany was dismembered, its western part was occupied by the Anglo-American coalition, and there was no discussion of any possibility of even partial sovereignty of Germany.

However, the situation changed dramatically after the self-liquidation of the Soviet bloc: the threat from the Soviet Union immediately disappeared, and Germany got the opportunity to unite, having paid the price of a “sandwich” for that then not-so-distant Soviet leader, as Helmut Kohl later put it.

To find American nuclear weapons, the factor number one — the Soviet threat — disappeared, and factor two appeared — Germany's integrity and resurgent sovereignty. Of course, for some time the Americans still managed to fool the Germans head, they say, we are the victors in the Cold War, which means we will dominate by the right of the strong.

However, this factor no longer works. In today's world, there is now a sovereign Russia. And there is China, claiming economic dominance and long ago, perhaps, would have squeezed the United States from the first economic line, if not for the coronavirus that came from somewhere.

At the same time, neither Russia nor China threatens either Europe, Germany or the NATO countries in general, especially through nuclear weapons. And if it were not for the aggressive behavior of the United States, not their unbridled desire to poke their military bases everywhere, the world would probably have long plunged into a state of stability, tranquility and prosperity. 

So, by and large, Germany has every reason to ask the US military to leave the country with its dangerous cargo.

The second symbolic moment is that peremptory tone with which Mosbacher has, in fact, already moved NATO's nuclear arsenal to Poland. Arrogance and self-confidence, however, as always, the American ambassador just rolls over.

In her view, if Washington wants, the relocation of US nuclear trash to Poland is a settled issue. What is Polish sovereignty? No, they didn’t hear ...

Yes, the Polish elites, indeed, a couple of decades after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact bloc looked into the mouths of the inhabitants of the Washington regional committee, meekly carrying out all the most humiliating assignments, whether it be full economic dependence on America or unreasonable aggressive, sometimes rather silly in its rampant, Poland’s behavior towards Russia.

However, the Ukrainian "Maidan" and especially its consequences, which turned the former Soviet Ukraine into an American garbage dump, horrified even the Poles. Becoming another Ukraine is far from smiling.

Moreover, in recent years, Poland has been acting more and more independently, having its own special position on all issues within the EU, and the Polish elites are becoming more aware of the pernicious and deadlocked confrontation with Russia. And this is not to mention ordinary residents of Poland, whose sympathy for Russia is growing from year to year, despite the information efforts of pro-American NGOs. 

To become a consumable in the next US gamble of the USA against Russia is such a prospect for Poland is becoming less and less attractive. Yes, and take on a nuclear strike? This is generally beyond. So Mosbacher was clearly in a hurry. No matter how you had to go with your arsenal ... back to your American island. 

And finally, in fact, the very issue of security for Europe. The function of nuclear weapons in the world - from the very moment of its appearance in the USSR - is to be a deterrent. Until nuclear parity was established, the United States managed to bomb, humiliate and occupy Japan. 

Parity is based on balance. While nuclear weapons were in Germany, the balance was somehow maintained, given our loss of Eastern Europe, which didn’t affect European security, but rather the other way around. But his transfer to Poland is nothing more than an act of aggression from the United States, and also nuclear aggression. 

In the case of such a free movement of nuclear missiles across Europe, and besides, practically to our very borders, you don’t want to, but you have to give an answer. For safety and balance, of course.

In the end, Russia has enough allies, including in Latin America, and who knows where Russian missiles will again be found, maybe in Venezuela, or maybe again in Cuba. So, Madame Mosbacher, keep an eye out for ... statements. 

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.