Teller Report

The advice of an Italian immunologist to face the de-escalation: "We are not going to use the mask on the beach"

5/18/2020, 2:25:08 PM

Italy has reached phase 2. Return to life as usual, to freedom? Yes but not that much. Professor Francesco Le Foche, Head of Immunology and Infectology at Hospita

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Italy has reached phase 2. Return to life as usual, to freedom? Yes but not that much. Professor Francesco Le Foche, head of Immunology and Infectology at Umberto I Hospital in Rome, tells us what our new routine will be like.

What happens from phase 2? We must get used to living with the virus. Finding a new normal that has nothing to do with the previous status quo: we need more civic education and less promiscuity. Pandemics end when the consc

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