Teller Report

Shanghai: a Hubei national job seeker was diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia

5/18/2020, 1:25:19 PM

  [Commentary] On May 18, Zheng Jin, a spokesman for the Shanghai Health and Welfare Commission, disclosed that from 0 to 24:00 on the 17th, Shanghai added a new case of Hubei's new coronary pneumonia. Zheng Jin said that at present, the relevant departments have tracked down 21 people in close contact with the case in Shanghai, and all have implemented centralized isolation observation.   [Same ...

  [Commentary] On May 18, Zheng Jin, a spokesman for the Shanghai Health and Welfare Commission, disclosed that from 0 to 24:00 on the 17th, Shanghai added a new case of Hubei's new coronary pneumonia. Zheng Jin said that at present, the relevant departments have tracked down 21 people in close contact with the case in Shanghai, and all have implemented centralized isolation observation.

  [Same period] Shanghai Municipal Health and Health Commission spokesperson Zheng Jin

  The confirmed case is of Hubei nationality, and he lives in Qianjiang City, Hubei Province. He came to Shanghai by train on the evening of May 14 to find a job. On May 15, he took the initiative to apply for laboratory tests in the South Hospital of Oriental Hospital. Because of the positive serological test results, he was isolated and observed by the medical institution on the same day.

  [Explanation] On May 17, the case was tested positive by the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention nucleic acid. Comprehensive epidemiological history, clinical symptoms, laboratory tests and imaging findings, etc., were diagnosed as confirmed cases. According to reports, the patient reported that he was wearing a mask throughout the train, subway and outing in Shanghai.

  [Same period] Shanghai Municipal Health and Health Commission spokesperson Zheng Jin

  The premises and vehicles where the case had been moved have been terminally disinfected. The relevant provinces have been informed of the situation and implemented to verify their local activities and close contacts.

  [Commentary] On May 11, the Shanghai Patriotic Health Campaign Committee and the Shanghai Health Promotion Committee officially released the "Shanghai Municipal People's Health Convention." Zheng Jin pointed out that the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission will join the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to incorporate the Convention into the content of public health safety and health education for primary and middle school students.

  [Same period] Shanghai Municipal Health and Health Commission spokesperson Zheng Jin

  The United Municipal Education Commission incorporated the Convention into the content of public health safety and health education for primary and middle school students. The content and interpretation of the convention were compiled into the 2020 citizen health knowledge book and distributed to more than 8 million households in the city.

  [Explanation] Zheng Jin revealed that Shanghai will promote relevant public health legislation through relevant procedures to make public health and lawfulness a propeller of public order, good customs and healthy behaviors.

  Reporter Chen Jing and Xu Mingrui from Shanghai

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]

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