Teller Report

Beijing will continue to implement closed management of communities (village) -Zhongxin Video

5/18/2020, 1:34:53 PM

  On May 17, Zhang Ge, deputy head of the community prevention and control team of the Beijing New Coronary Pneumonia Outbreak Prevention and Control Working Group and deputy director of the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee, introduced the community prevention and control work in Beijing at the press conference. He said that there are currently more than 10,000 residentia...

  On May 17, Zhang Ge, deputy head of the community prevention and control team of the Beijing New Coronary Pneumonia Outbreak Prevention and Control Working Group and deputy director of the Organization Department of the Beijing Municipal Committee, introduced the community prevention and control work in Beijing at the press conference. He said that there are currently more than 10,000 residential communities and about 3,900 administrative villages in Beijing. 3.65 million people returning to Beijing have conducted home and concentrated observations. 1.6 million people have invested in the process of community prevention and control and have done a lot of work.

  He pointed out that Beijing will unswervingly grasp the normalized community prevention and control, continue to adhere to "external defense input, internal defense rebound", implement the "quartet" responsibility, and continue to strictly enforce closed management of the community (village). Good "health treasure" and "Beijing heart help" and other small procedures; continue to focus on key areas and key populations, strictly control the entry and return of people in Beijing and medium and high-risk areas; continue to carry out group prevention and control, further enrich the community prevention and control forces, improve emergency Disposal plan, properly handle the emergency response of emergencies, minimize various risks, and ensure that the community (village) is foolproof. (Editor Li Jiali)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]