Teller Report

Visit Ma Wenhua Bookstore: Let readers "Qincheng" understand Mongolian horse culture- 中新网 Video

5/17/2020, 1:37:07 PM

  【Commentary】 Recently, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region opened a special bookstore with the theme of "horse culture", which has been favored by readers. On May 17th, the reporter came to this bookstore, and as soon as he stepped into the store, the horse statues featured in the store, the "Horse to Success" map and the horse culture book wall came into view. Looking around, you can see h...

  【Commentary】 Recently, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region opened a special bookstore with the theme of "horse culture", which has been favored by readers. On May 17th, the reporter came to this bookstore, and as soon as he stepped into the store, the horse statues featured in the store, the "Horse to Success" map and the horse culture book wall came into view. Looking around, you can see horse-related elements such as matouqin, horse dolls, and stirrups in every corner of the bookstore.

  [Explanation] The person in charge introduced that the statue of the horse that opened the door to welcome guests was made from 365 old books. It is a Mongolian horse model based on the small dwarf horse in Xiwuzhumuqin Banner of Inner Mongolia. The book implies that the spirit of Mongolian horse should be carried forward and practiced every day, 365 days a year.

  [Commentary] In addition, the horse culture bookstore also incorporates distinctive horse culture and Mongolian cultural characteristics in the cultural and creative design. Engraved idioms related to horses are well received by readers.

  [Same period] Reader Fan Guobin

  I learned that idiom about horses is on the stairs. Horse library is to add a lot of horse elements, with horse as the theme, it is (environment) very elegant.

  [Same period] Reader Xue Lei

  (Ma Wenhua Bookstore) is a very unique bookstore. With the theme of horse culture, horse culture books are the most abundant. Like a bookstore that rarely has such a characteristic, especially as we are a minority Mongolian region, there is the spirit of Mongolian horses. It is worth going to. Learn.

  【Explanation】 In addition to the appearance of horse elements, this bookstore also has rich horse culture connotations. It is understood that this store has more than 10,000 books related to horse culture, attracting many horse culture lovers. As the country's first bookstore with the theme of horse culture, while providing readers with a comfortable reading environment, the store also regularly organizes lectures related to the spirit of Mongolian horses and the culture of Mongolian ethnic groups. spirit.

  [Same period] Guo Jianghua, Deputy Manager of Mahua Bookstore, Xinhua Bookstore

  Because it is the first horse culture theme bookstore, our horse culture and (Mongolian) culture books are very rich. Mainly to create this horse culture theme bookstore, but also want to create this horse culture theme bookstore in our minority region in Inner Mongolia, so that everyone can better learn, understand, inherit the national culture, and promote the Mongolian horse spirit.

  (Reporter Chen Feng Hohhot reports)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]