Teller Report

Olivier Véran promises better salaries at the hospital

5/17/2020, 8:28:35 AM

The Minister of Health plans to organize on May 25 a "Health Segur" to address all questions around the working conditions of health care workers

Olivier Veran on 05/13/2020. - Jacques Witt / SIPA

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, promises that the government will "increase remuneration" at the hospital and create a "much more flexible framework" at working time, in response to the request for recognition of staff. "We must work to increase" the salaries of hospital staff, "beyond bonuses," said the minister in an interview with the Journal du Dimanche , without giving more details.

He announced the launch on May 25 of a "Health Ségur" with a "large multilateral meeting of social partners in the ministry" in order to present a plan "this summer, to translate everything that can be in the next budget social security ”.

Review the organization of the 35 hours

Regarding the 35 hours, the minister who recovered his portfolio in mid-February, ensures that "the question is not to deregulate working time". "It is not a question of obliging people to work more, but to create a much more flexible framework to allow those which wish to do it, or to organize their working time differently. Without pressure, ”explains Olivier Véran.

“Many nurses are forced to" clean up ", that is, overtime, illegally, in other establishments. If hospital workers want to work more and increase their remuneration, it must be possible, ”he says. Beyond that, he judges about the nurses that "the nation will have to make a significant effort to recognize their role". He wants "quickly" to reach a "level of remuneration corresponding at least to the European average". As such, he recognizes that "new money" will be needed. "It is necessary, there is no magic money, so choices will have to be made."

"Getting out of the dogma of closing beds"

The Minister of Health also undertakes to “get out of the dogma of closing beds”. "Hospital doctor, I knew the stretchers in the corridors, this is no longer acceptable".

President Emmanuel Macron promised Friday, during a visit to the Paris hospital of Pitié Salpêtrière, to "put an end" to the "impoverishment" of the nursing staff and to be "there". A message greeted with caution by the personnel, engaged in an unprecedented mobilization for months before the coronavirus crisis to obtain more consideration and means.


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  • Olivier Véran
  • Social
  • Deconfinement
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Society
  • Health