Teller Report

McDull: I hope my true record can bring you strength

5/17/2020, 9:46:07 PM

  The beautiful twin towers are reflected in the lake, the pink water lilies are in full bloom, and the weeping willows on the shore are blowing in the wind ... The scenery of Baodao Park in early summer morning is the same as in previous years. But the health code affixed to the entrance of the park, and the mask everyone wears, instantly brought people back to reality.   Running, skateboarding,...

  The beautiful twin towers are reflected in the lake, the pink water lilies are in full bloom, and the weeping willows on the shore are blowing in the wind ... The scenery of Baodao Park in early summer morning is the same as in previous years. But the health code affixed to the entrance of the park, and the mask everyone wears, instantly brought people back to reality.

  Running, skateboarding, dressing up youth ... When I first met, I really couldn't tell that Li Xueying was already the mother of a five-year-old boy. If it were not for the epidemic, the days or the lake would be as smooth as a mirror, and occasionally waves. But the inadvertent move made her a real hit: an original article she published in her public account on February 19 became "explosive"-550,000 readings, 15,000 likes, and was praised by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League , People's Daily, CCTV News, etc. more than 70 public accounts are reproduced, of which 8 accounts have reached 100,000+ clicks. On social media such as Weibo, this article has also become a hot topic. The achievement of "achievement" is not her original intention, and she does not want to be famous for it, she just "hopes my real record can bring strength to everyone."

  "I belong to the luckiest group of people"

  Like all trendy mothers who like to be funny, Li Xueying gave his son the name "McDull"-a pink and cute pig.

  In order to record the growth process of her son, she registered a public account in 2018, "Mother of Pockets Do Not Sleep", and claimed to be "Mother of McDull" to start original writing.

  Although the pictures and texts are eloquent, witty and vivid, and a lot of effort, but in the ocean of information, this public number is more often a place for her to entertain herself.

  Somehow, this Spring Festival in 2020, McDull Ma "stroke".

  On January 22, she felt chest tight. The body temperature reached 37.3 ° C on January 23, and then the fever continued. The highest fever reached 39 ° C on January 26. On January 27, she was diagnosed as a suspected patient with new coronary pneumonia by the hospital.

  During that time, all the friends in her WeChat group were discussing the epidemic. "Some people are very scared." Self-taught psychology, she thought that, instead of reassuring her family and friends one by one, it is better to write it in the public number and share her own story of anti-epidemic with everyone, which can help everyone overcome anxiety and help herself find Back to life, "a sense of control."

  "I am a mild patient and belong to the luckiest group of people. This may be the reason why I can look at all this with ease and optimism."

  "Tazihu ​​Square Cabin 'Legendary B192'"

  February 2 was the 12th day after she first developed symptoms. Counting this day, she has been fever-free for 3 days, her body temperature has been around 36.5 ° C, and all the discomfort symptoms have disappeared. "I think I have overcome the virus," McDull wrote in the article.

  But the disease is far more cunning than she thought! Within a few days, her nucleic acid test results came out positive! As a result, she moved from home isolation to centralized fixed-point isolation. After a short transit through an isolated hotel on Hong Kong Road, on February 13, she “checked in” to the Jiangan Fang Cabin Hospital (Tazi Lake Fang Cab), which was transformed from the Tazi Lake Sports Center.

  As soon as she entered the gate of the square cabin of Tazi Lake, she usually liked to "store a certificate".

  After 6 days of on-site investigation, shooting and writing, the picture and text mentioned at the beginning of the article are combined with a hand-drawn map and a timeline.

  "I usually write things, and I push them after I have revised them repeatedly. That night I was anxious to brush up on the show, so I hurriedly pushed it." Unexpectedly, when she woke up the next morning, she found, "It's terrible, burst!"

  In the Tazi Lake cabin, most medical staff have read the articles of Mom McDull, but she only knew a few people. She knew that when everyone talked about her, she said she was "the legendary B192". Yes, it is her bed number.

  "We are all members of the epidemic resistance"

  Wuhan officially opened the cabin hospital from the evening of February 5th, and McDull Ma, who only entered the cabin on February 13, is not the earliest batch. But during that time, it was the time when the "Legend" of the square cabin hospital was the most.

  Can the shelter be cured? Is the condition bad? Many patients have doubts and misunderstandings. "At that time, there were some discussions on the living conditions in the other cabin on the Internet, and I was a little nervous." So, she was born in science and engineering and prides herself on being objective and rational. In addition to the necessities, it also includes a laptop to pass the time and a lot of snacks.

  But through the McDull mother's "square cabin diary", the square cabin is not as expected.

  Free personal living materials distributed to the eye mask earplugs, wiring board, insulation pot and small table lamp. On February 15th, the temperature dropped abruptly, and large cotton-padded jackets were issued in advance in the cabin. Every day's dinner is three meats and one vegetarian plus a soup or fruit. If you don't eat enough, you can ask for another one, and occasionally snacks. Everyone can have fun in their free time.

  Even the situation of lack of medical resources in the early days was basically solved in the later period. CT and nucleic acid examinations can be done in the shelter, and Tianjin medical aid personnel care for the patients.

  Touched by all this, the patients in the cabin began to actively participate in the daily environmental maintenance as they did in their own homes.

  "Leri drip boiled water to receive the booze, not to wash the mouth. The mouth is washed outside. The water is dripped everywhere, and the black person drops. Again, the water is not tight here. Go wash outside! "

  The witty and humorous expression of Chinese taste, plus the pictures of aunt volunteers holding trumpets, made people laugh with tears in their eyes.

  McDullah admits that the life in the cabin must not be convenient at home, but in this special case, it is not easy to have such conditions. "Not everyone has to be a hero, but each of us is part of the fight against epidemics."

  When the information is not equal, "rumors" or one-sided voices are particularly prone to fermentation. Madame McDull didn't think about how many people in her "diary cabin diary" saw the real shelter, and how many patients who were about to "enter the cabin" put their guard down and ignited the hope of "rebirth".

  "For this memory that will never be forgotten"

  On March 8, after nearly a month of concentrated isolation treatment and observation, Mom McDull returned home.

  After being isolated at home for another 14 days, and after reviewing the CT and nucleic acid, and also found that antibodies were produced by donating plasma, since January 23, his son "McDull" was sent away, the mother and son finally reunited, and normal days came back.

  After breaking up her life, Mother McDull continued to work hard on her children, her family, and her thinking about the epidemic.

  She wrote: Waiting is long. In the long perseverance, what can I do to bring my eyes back to the present? Even the smallest is important. The end of the epidemic takes time, and it takes time for society to return to normal operation, and our own mind takes time.

  "I haven't experienced the test of life and death, so my" rebirth "may not be so typical." But in McDull Ma's view, these records of his own are what he can do to soothe himself and others' hearts. ".

  On April 30, she received a large package from Tianjin filled with Tianjin local specialties. The sender was the one she met in the square cabin. Tian Yi, a nurse who assisted the Tazihu ​​square cabin from Tianjin Beichen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. "Wuhan is a good place, even the wind is gentle." Tian Yi said.

  This caused her thoughts to be pulled back a few months ago: Zhang Jin of Tianjin First Central Hospital, Gao Xinxing of Tianjin Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhang Bao'e of Tianjin Dagang Hospital, Changhong of Tianjin Xiqing Hospital ... a series of familiar 'S name came to mind.

  On May 12th Nurses Day, Mom McDull sent Tianjin blessings to them. She wrote in the article of the day that although some feelings wanted to be kept silently in her heart and did not need to be told to others, she decided to write them down on this special day for the sake of never forgetting.

  These words and images may not survive the time, and will eventually be lost. But McDull Ma believes that at the moment, it makes sense to do so, because her connection with those people and things was so real and strong.

  Text / Reporter Zhang Jiantu / Reporter Miao Jian