Teller Report

The Ministry of Defense called the number of cases of coronavirus among the military

5/16/2020, 7:19:01 PM

The Russian Ministry of Defense called the number of cases of infection with coronavirus infection COVID-19 among military personnel.

“As of May 16 this year: 1,622 military personnel with positive test results have been installed in the military command and control bodies, associations, formations, and military units,” the message said on the website of the department.

It is noted that of these, 364 people undergo treatment in hospitals of the Ministry of Defense of Russia; 546 people at the duty stations; in medical institutions of the civil health system - 19 people; isolated at home - 693 people.

Earlier, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that over 6.7 thousand beds have been trained in the country's military hospitals for patients with coronavirus infection COVID-19.

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