Teller Report

The BOE announces the new flexibilization rules from phase 2: professional sports and weddings of up to 100 guests return

5/16/2020, 10:01:01 PM

The Official State Gazette (BOE) published this Saturday the new Health Order on easing restrictions during the state of alarm, in phase 2, and in the

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The Official State Gazette (BOE) has published this Saturday the new Health Order on the relaxation of restrictions during the state of alarm, in phase 2, and it is announced that "it may proceed to resume professional competition as long as the evolution of the health situation allows it ", and when it is so it will be done" without an audience and behind closed doors "and" the entrance of the media for the retransmission "will be allowed.

Referring to the "resumption of the Professional Leagues competition", the BOE indicates that "the resumption of the professional competition may be carried out as long as the evolution of the health situation allows it", "it will be resumed without the public and on goal closed " and" the media will be allowed to enter the broadcast "of it.

The BOE stipulates that "the training tasks will be carried out whenever possible in shifts, avoiding exceeding 50% of the facility's capacity for athletes, the technical personnel necessary for their development may attend the training sessions , as well as support staff and essential utillero, and the changing rooms may be used. "

In addition, " technical work meetings may be held with a maximum of fifteen participants, including the technician. In any case, the corresponding safety distance must be kept and use of the necessary protection measures."

As for the referees , they "may access the facilities, for their specific training, in the same regime and with the same conditions applicable to athletes and technical personnel, in accordance with the specific rules that regulate outdoor sports facilities. and closed. "

To the training sessions "the media will not be able to attend", adds the text of the BOE, which stresses that "in any case the prevention and protection measures established by the health authorities will be followed." The Government allows in Phase 2 celebrate weddings with a maximum capacity of one hundred people in outdoor spaces

Weddings are back

The Government will allow in the territories that are in Phase 2 to celebrate weddings with a maximum capacity of one hundred people in outdoor spaces or fifty people in closed spaces and they can be carried out in all kinds of facilities, public or private.

A couple celebrated their wedding last week in Milan.MIGUEL MEDINAAFP

Thus, according to the order published this afternoon, they are obliged during the wedding ceremony to comply with the hygiene and prevention measures established by the health authorities. Regarding the celebrations that could take place after the nuptial ceremony and that involve some type of hotel and restaurant service, the safety regulations regarding these establishments must be followed.

On the other hand, the order in the BOE recalls that the provisions of this article on wedding ceremonies will apply to other religious celebrations of a social nature.

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