Teller Report

Madrid, Barcelona and part of Castilla y León will not be able to resume terraces, hotels, audiovisual productions or tourism.

5/16/2020, 8:49:01 PM

The regions of Spain that still remain in the so-called 'Phase zero' of the de-escalation - the Community of Madrid, Barcelona and its metropolitan area and part of Castilla y León - may

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The regions of Spain that still remain in the so-called 'Phase zero' of the de-escalation - the Community of Madrid, Barcelona and its metropolitan area and part of Castilla y León - will be able to open shops without an appointment just like those that are in phase 1 and also educational and social services centers, under the same conditions, but not hospitality activities.

Thus, they will not be able to open terraces, nor hotels or tourist establishments, nor venues for shows or cultural events, nor launch active tourism activities. Nor to resume audiovisual productions, by virtue of the order published this Saturday in the BOE, which includes the activities of 'Phase 1' that can be applied in the territories that have not yet reached it and are governed by the order of 3 of May.

Yes, vigils may be held in public or private facilities, with a maximum limit of fifteen people at any time in open spaces or ten people in closed spaces. The places of worship will be opened with a third of the capacity and with the hygiene measures planned for 'Phase 1'.

They can open educational and university centers for administrative and disinfection tasks, research centers and scientific seminars, as in 'Phase 1', libraries and museums.

The order makes the conditions for the practice of elite and high-performance sports more flexible, and also for federated athletes, who will be able to train individually, in outdoor spaces, twice a day, between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 am and between 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm, and within the limits of the province in which they have their residence.

The Autonomous Communities and Autonomous Cities may agree that, within their territorial scope, the time slots foreseen for this start up to two hours before and end until two hours later, as long as the total duration of said slots is not increased.

To carry out these trainings, if necessary, said athletes "may freely access those natural spaces in which they must carry out their sporting activities such as the sea, rivers, or reservoirs, among others."

However, if the sport practiced involves animals, the practice can be done outdoors, individually, in the place where they stay, by appointment, and during the same period of time.

The order extends the treatment of high-level or national interest athletes to those qualified by the autonomous communities as high-performance athletes. They may carry out training individually and outdoors, within the limits of the province in which the athlete resides.

The training and the use of the material must be carried out maintaining, in any case, the corresponding measures of social distancing and hygiene.

In accordance with the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Barcelona
  • Castilla y León
  • Madrid's community
  • Spain
  • Madrid

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