Teller Report

"WHO support only as much as in the US and China"… Trump "one of many ways"

5/16/2020, 9:43:18 PM

Fox News reported on Wednesday that the US government, which accused the World Health Organization of being central to China, of suspending funding, will partially restore funding from China's contribution level. This is said to be about 10% of the existing support scale.

The US government, which accused the World Health Organization of the World Health Organization (WHO) of suspending funding and accused of suspending funding, will partially restore funding at the level of China's contributions, Fox News reported on the 15th.

This is said to be about 10% of the existing support scale.

However, President Trump said that it was only one of several proposals under review, and that the final decision was not made, and the final conclusion is noted as the US-China are facing extreme conflicts over the Coronavirus Infectious Disease-19 (Corona 19) responsibility theory. .

Fox News received the draft five-page letter to the WHO Secretary-General of Thewards Adhanom Governor Yeosu through the Tucker Carlson Two Night program.

The administration will agree to pay China's contributions, Fox News said.

The program's host, Tucker Carlson, is a pro-Trump greeting known as President Trump's "non-immediate diplomatic staff."

According to Fox News, the draft letter wrote, "Despite the shortcomings, I think WHO still has enormous potential, and I especially want to see it respond to that potential during this global crisis."

Fox News said that "I" in the letter would be "Trump."

The draft letter also said, "This is why the United States has decided to continue to cooperate as a partner of the WHO." China is in great debt to the world. We can start by paying a fair share of the WHO. " It pressured the payment of additional contributions.

The draft letter said, "If China increases its support for the WHO, we will also consider measures to meet that increase."

He said that if the Chinese responded to the pressure on the expansion of WHO subsidies against China, the United States could increase the WHO subsidies accordingly.

The draft draft stated, "WHO's review of Corona 19 response confirmed many of the concerns I raised last month and confirmed other things." Timely declaration of the International Public Health Emergency (PHEIC) Also included is a call for reform of WHO that is consistent with common sense.

In addition, the draft of the draft letter also required the Secretary-General Gerberousus to be free from political pressure on public health decisions and attendance at WHO meetings, requiring a completely independent assessment of the virus' origins and WHO's response to Corona19. Put in.

A senior official told Fox News that Trump had agreed to the draft plan.

In connection with this report, however, President Trump wrote in a Twitter post on the 16th that "one of the many concepts under consideration is that we will pay 10% of the amount we have been paying for years in line with much lower Chinese payments." No final decision was made. "

He added, "All funds are frozen."

This tweet relates to the Fox News article, 'Who exactly do the White House senior staff work for?

It's clear that we're not working for our historic president or this great country, 'he retweeted tweets from his friend and fox business host Lou Dobbs.

The United States is the country with the most funding for WHO.

If the U.S. is to fund WHO to the same extent as China, the future funding level will be about 10% of the $ 400 million annually, Reuters said.

Earlier, President Trump claimed that Corona19, the country originating in China, was spreading false information, and quarreled with the WHO. On the 14th of last month, asking WHO's bias toward China's bias and accountability for countermeasures, it announced that it would stop funding during the investigation. There is one bar.

WHO expressed regret, and many countries criticized the US government.

President Trump declared the suspension of funding at the time, and he repeatedly complained, "The United States gave $ 400 million to $ 500 million annually to the WHO, while China contributes approximately $ 40 million."

(yunhap news)