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Under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, how to maintain mental health?

5/15/2020, 1:43:11 PM

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) How to maintain mental health under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control?   China News Service, Beijing, May 15 Question: How to maintain mental health under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control?   China News Agency reporter Xing Chong   At present, China's domestic epidemic prevention and control continues to improve, bu...

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) How to maintain mental health under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control?

  China News Service, Beijing, May 15 Question: How to maintain mental health under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control?

  China News Agency reporter Xing Chong

  At present, China's domestic epidemic prevention and control continues to improve, but there are still some distribution trends in some areas. The World Health Organization and relevant experts have stated that humans may coexist with the new coronary pneumonia epidemic for a long time. With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, how should the people maintain their mental health?

No slackness, no paralysis, avoid excessive panic and anxiety

  Chen Xuefeng, deputy director of the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said at the press conference of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council of China on the 15th that after the epidemic prevention and control entered normalization, special attention should be paid to not letting go of the thoughts and paralyzing them. "Anti-input, internal anti-rebound" is an important premise and a basic psychological preparation.

  "We have to really change some necessary behaviors and lifestyles, such as wearing masks scientifically, maintaining social distance, ventilating indoors, washing hands frequently, using public chopsticks, etc." Chen Xuefeng said, maintaining certain policies and information on epidemic prevention and control Attention can also avoid slack and paralyzed thinking.

  "Once the epidemic situation or cluster infection occurs again, let us not panic too much, which will affect our immunity." Chen Xuefeng said that after the previous stage of epidemic prevention and control, governments and people at all levels have accumulated Experience in epidemic prevention and control, so there is no need to panic excessively.

  Excessive attention to negative information can also produce depression and anxiety. Shi Chuan, director of the Center for Clinical Psychological Assessment of Peking University Sixth Hospital, said at the meeting that this is a morbid performance. He believes that we must choose official reports and some authoritative experts to explain the disease, spend more time on constructive work and study, and do personal protection.

  He also said that if there are clinical manifestations such as anxiety and insomnia, you can use audio and video recommended by the authority to help emotional stability, and reduce stress through self-relaxation training.

Focus on the elderly, children and other key groups

  At the press conference on the same day, He Qinghua, a first-level inspector of the National Health and Health Commission's CDC, said that mental health work has a wide range of services, involving many departments, affecting a large number of people, and under the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, more attention should be paid to the elderly and children. , Maternal, disabled, severe chronic diseases and other key populations, vulnerable groups.

  "We need to provide care and assistance to these key groups and vulnerable groups in a timely manner, and combine our daily life security services with mental health services to improve their health and well-being." He Qinghua said, for example, to establish a network based on the community. The professional psychological assistance team uses modern information technology, 5G technology, and network platforms to carry out science popularization.

  A few days ago, the Chinese Ministry of Education pointed out that about half of the students have returned to school for school. Chen Xuefeng said that schools and parents should not expect their children to adapt quickly as soon as they enter the school. While the school is doing well in campus prevention and control, it must publicize to parents and students in place to reduce worries; parents and students should also develop a good learning plan. As soon as possible, adjust the work schedule, study methods and study habits, and work through the adaptation period as soon as possible with the close cooperation of families and schools.

  Students facing graduation may experience anxiety due to the epidemic. Chen Xuefeng suggested that students should act more actively, find and create opportunities for themselves, and parents and students should support each other well.

Isolate personnel and close contacts actively adjust

  There are currently about 5,000 centralized segregation personnel in China. With the general decline of the domestic epidemic situation, the number of quarantine personnel has declined, but the local epidemic situation has rebounded, and close contacts of confirmed cases in the epidemiological investigation process must also be quarantined accordingly.

  In this regard, Ishikawa said that quarantine personnel must understand the necessity of being quarantined. This is an inevitable requirement for controlling the source of infection and cutting off the transmission. The purpose is to protect the safety of others and themselves. "We need to treat peace of mind isolation as our courageous responsibility, and use routine nucleic acid testing as an opportunity to understand our health."

  He also suggested that isolation personnel should familiarize themselves with the isolation environment and rules as soon as possible, regularly share and share emotions, experiences and ideas with family and friends through telephone, Internet, etc. During the isolation period, they should work regularly and arrange a day's life.

  Ishikawa recommends that staff who are in close contact with confirmed cases during the epidemiological investigation should be patient and give a detailed explanation of the operation process. For those who are particularly emotional, they can be managed by the isolation point according to the situation. Or the psychological rescue team takes over and tells the work object to keep their personal information confidential, and the feedback from the quarantined person should be taken seriously. (Finish)