Teller Report

The Creator of False Identity leaves the success series

5/15/2020, 2:10:23 PM

After five seasons of the French television success False Identity, the creator and director Eric Rochant jumps off the daily work on the series. Instead, he becomes an executive producer, trusting that others will manage his creation.

But what happens to "False Identity" after leaving?

- It will probably be a reboot, a new interpretation, the same concept but with new characters, Rochant tells TT in a Zoom interview from Paris.

Uncertain future

If this means that the protagonists in the current series will be killed in the last episode is another secret for us. The only thing we know is that Rochant handed the director job for section nine and ten to his colleague Jacques Audiard (A Prophet, Rust and Bone), thus marking that he has begun to take a step away from this the French export industry's greatest export success ever.

- When I created a false identity, I wanted to make a story about secret agents and I wanted to convey the feeling I got when I read John Le Carré. It would be realistic at the same time as it would be entertaining. It's a complex world we live in, you don't have to invent another world.

When Eric Rochant sold the idea to the series, he said he wanted to describe what it was like working as a intelligence officer. For him, "False Identity" is not so much a series about spies as a series about the job itself.

Won the security service's trust

Prior to the job, he contacted the security service and told him he was on a TV series on the theme. Those he talked to were positive, as they had seen his movie The Patriots and trusted that he was not looking to make cartoons of the protagonists.

- But they told me no secrets, it's their job to keep secrets. It would be too dangerous to share facts about, for example, technology.

- I met them, they revealed nothing, but at the same time I could observe them. How they dressed, how they moved, they are people just like us, but people who do a special job.

In addition to being an executive producer and keeping a watchful eye on false identity, he will be working on a new series.

- It will be bigger than False identity, I want to expand my vision. Same genre? I'm not telling you that.

The fifth season of False Identity is currently featured in SVT Play.