Teller Report

Statistics Bureau: The average wage of employed persons in urban units maintained a steady growth last year

5/15/2020, 8:16:11 AM

  China News Service, May 15 (Xinhua) According to the National Bureau of Statistics website, the National Bureau of Statistics released data on the average wages of employed persons in urban units in 2019 on the 15th. This was explained by Meng Canwen, deputy director of the Department of Population and Employment Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics.   In 2019, China's economy is gen...

  China News Service, May 15 (Xinhua) According to the National Bureau of Statistics website, the National Bureau of Statistics released data on the average wages of employed persons in urban units in 2019 on the 15th. This was explained by Meng Canwen, deputy director of the Department of Population and Employment Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics.

  In 2019, China's economy is generally stable, progressing steadily, the employment situation remains stable, and the average wage of employees in urban units across the country has steadily increased. In 2019, the average annual salary of employees in urban non-private units in the country is 90501 yuan, an increase of 9.8% over the previous year (these are nominal growth rates from the previous year unless otherwise specified), after deducting price factors, the actual increase is 6.8%; urban private The average annual salary of employed persons per unit was 53,604 yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year. After deducting price factors, the actual increase was 5.2%.

Average wages in key industries in mining and manufacturing continue to grow

  With the continuous deepening of supply-side structural reforms, the achievements of "three go, one drop and one supplement" have been further consolidated, driving the average wage of related industries to maintain a rapid growth. In 2019, the average salary of employees in the mining industry has achieved rapid growth, and the average annual salary of employees in urban non-private units and urban private units has increased by 11.8% and 12.7%, respectively. Among non-private units in cities and towns, the average annual wages of employees in non-ferrous metal mining and processing, non-metallic mining and processing, oil and gas mining, coal mining and washing and processing industries increased by 13.9%, 12.9%, 12.1% and 10.8% respectively . The average wages of employees in the manufacturing industry have grown steadily, and the annual average wages of urban non-private units and urban private units have increased by 8.4% and 7.3%, respectively. The average wages of employees in high-tech related manufacturing industries have increased rapidly. Among urban non-private units, the average annual wages of employees in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and railway, shipbuilding, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing industries increased by 13.0% and 10.3%, respectively, which were 3.2 and 0.5 percentage points higher than the national average wage growth rate.

  The average wages of employed persons in some short-board areas have increased rapidly. Among urban non-private units, the average annual wages of employees in land management and water management increased by 23.4% and 13.3%, respectively, which were 13.6 and 3.5 percentage points higher than the national average wage growth rate.

Average wages in emerging industries such as science, education, information and transportation have grown steadily

  The innovation-driven strategy is implemented in depth, R & D investment is continuously increased, a distribution policy oriented to increase the value of knowledge is implemented, a more flexible salary system is implemented, and the average salary of employed people in the field of scientific research and higher education increases rapidly. In 2019, the research and experimental development expenditure increased by 10.5% over the previous year. Among urban non-private units, the average annual wages of employees in research and experimental development, technology promotion and application services, and higher education increased by 15.9%, 10.2%, and 13.2%, respectively 6.1, 0.4 and 3.4 percentage points higher than the national average wage growth rate.

  The extensive penetration of information technology and the rapid development of online retailing have promoted an increase in the average salary of employees in related industries. In 2019, the online retail sales of physical goods nationwide increased by 19.5% over the previous year. Correspondingly, the average annual wage of employees in wholesale and retail industries in urban non-private units increased by 10.5%, 0.7 percentage points higher than the national average wage growth rate. At the same time, Internet applications continue to expand, related industries have developed rapidly, and the wages of employees have risen rapidly. Among non-private units in cities and towns, the average annual wage of employees in the Internet and related service industries in the information transmission, software and information technology service industries increased by 13.6%, a growth rate of 10.4 percentage points faster than the previous year. Among the urban private units, the average annual salary of employees in information transmission, software and information technology services increased by 11.8%, a growth rate of 3.4 percentage points faster than the previous year.

  With the improvement of transportation infrastructure, the flow of people and logistics has increased, and the average salary of employees in the transportation field has steadily increased. Among the urban non-private units in 2019, the average annual wages of employees in the air transport industry and rail transport industry increased by 11.5% and 10.0% respectively.

The industry's average wages related to public service and consumption upgrades have increased rapidly

  With the improvement of people's living standards and the rapid development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries, the average wages of employees in related industries have increased rapidly. Among the urban non-private units in 2019, the average annual salary of employees in radio, television, film and recording production operations, news and publishing industries increased by 13.7% and 13.4% respectively.

  The people's demand for diversified and multi-level health services is increasing, medical and health services are further developed, and the average salary of employees in the health and sports industries continues to increase. In urban non-private units in 2019, the average annual wage of employees in health and social work increased by 11.0%, an increase of 1.6 percentage points over the previous year, of which the health industry increased by 12.2%, and the growth rate accelerated by 2.5 percentage points; The average wage increased by 10.0%.

  The average wages of employees in service industries related to residents' living consumption continue to increase. Among the urban non-private units in 2019, the average annual wages of employees in motor vehicle electronic products and household products repair industry, residential service industry, and postal industry, which are closely related to people's livelihood and consumption, increased by 16.6%, 10.8%, and 10.4%, respectively, high The national average wage growth rate was 6.8, 1.0 and 0.6 percentage points.

  It should be noted that the increase in average wages is closely related to the economic benefits of enterprises and changes in the structure of personnel. The economic benefits of some industries have grown slowly. The average wage growth rate of employees is slower than the overall wage growth rate. In some industries, the average wage growth rate of the industry is relatively low due to changes in the structure of employees.